The Truth

When Cui Si said this, he raised his hand and touched Cui Qi's face, as if he wanted to check if there was a mask on Cui Qi's face. He was worried that the Cui Qi in front of him was someone else in disguise.

Cui Qi noticed Cui Si's small actions. His eyes were red and he tilted his head slightly. He obediently let Cui Si examine his face and hurriedly explained, "Dad, in court, Annie was worried that I would betray Mark and shot me. At that time, I was indeed about to die. Fortunately, Miss Gu gave me a life-saving pill. That pill kept me alive. Later, Dr. Ollie saved me."

Cui Si was completely sure that there was no mask on Cui Qi's face, nor were there any signs of plastic surgery. It was indeed his Qi'er.

Coming to terms that the person in front of him was his son, Cui Si hugged him and choked. "Good, good, this is great. Fortunately, you're still alive."