Thank You

Cui Qi looked at the smile on Qiao Nian's face and was in a daze for a moment. However, he quickly came back to his senses and said seriously, "It's mainly because she looks different from the others, so I took a few more glances. However, something happened later that made me realize that she wasn't snatched by Mark."


"I remember what happened at that time. I saw that she was pregnant, but during that period of time, Mark went to the front line and was never at home." Cui Qi said thoughtfully and seriously. "I can't remember the exact time, because that day, I skipped class and went to the hospital to get the doctor to give me a medical certificate. I saw her go to the hospital alone with her face covered and her big belly. She had heavy makeup on at that time, but there was a red mole on her neck. It was very obvious. I recognized her through the mole."