Ruining Reputation

Seeing that Song Yu did not move, Auntie Cao added, "I knocked on the door just now, but you didn't hear me, so I pushed the door open and came in. After all, I spent all afternoon boiling this soup for you."

Song Yu took the soup from Auntie Cao and said softly, "Thank you for your concern, Auntie Cao."

She placed the soup on the table at the side and asked in confusion, "You just said something about being scheming. What do you mean…"

Song Yu's heart was in a mess. She had never spoken to anyone about her second brother.

Auntie Cao had been by her side for so many years. She was worried that Auntie Cao would discover her thoughts.

Auntie Cao's expression instantly turned serious as she looked at the balcony with a cold expression. "Eldest Miss is too scheming. It's as if the entire world belongs to her and should serve her. She even relied on her three children to win over everyone."