Going Home

When Lina heard Qiao Nian's words, she smiled and nodded. However, the smile on her face gradually faded as she said, "Nian Nian, I'm sorry."

"What's wrong?"

"I want to be by Mom's side recently. Today, Grandpa Qin said that he could treat Mom's illness. My mind is filled with Mom's matters. I'm afraid…"

Towards the end, Lina looked like she wanted to say something but hesitated.

Seeing Lina like this, Qiao Nian smiled and shook her head. "I know you have something on your mind. You won't be able to have fun. You should rest early. If nothing happens, Grandpa will treat Madam President tomorrow. You're Madam President's spiritual pillar. You can't fall."

Lina smiled shyly. Nian Nian was always so understanding.

Qiao Nian reached out and hugged Lina, gently patting her back. She said gently, "Don't worry, it'll be fine. Everything will get better."