She Still Has to Go to School

Even when behind the phone, Meng Xiaowan continued acting.

Meng Xiaowan pretended to be flattered and said happily, "Really?! Lin Chen, I'll go over now, but…"

She sounded disappointed as she said, "I'm sorry, Lin Chen. I might not be able to make it today. Can I go over another day?"

Lin Chen, who was on the other end of the phone, raised his eyebrows as anger flashed across his face.

He said bluntly, "Meng Xiaowan, how dare you reject me? Do you believe that I will break up with you?"

Meng Xiaowan instantly sobbed and said, "No, don't break up with me Lin Chen! I know my mistake!"

"I didn't do it on purpose!"

Meng Xiaowan, who was on the other end of the line, acted very well and started sobbing.

"I really wanted to go, but my best friend refuses to leave. Even if I want to leave, she will always follow me…"

Lin Chen's pupils constricted as he thought to himself, "Bai Qianqian went to look for Meng Xiaowan?!"

Thereafter he said indifferently, "Why did she look for you?"

After that, Meng Xiaowan remained silent for a while. She picked up a tissue from the side, placed it on the tip of her nose and pretended to cough a few times.

She suddenly burst into tears!

"She… Lin Chen, I did not expect Bai Qianqian to treat me like this. She said that she is pregnant with your child!"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes.

"Meng Xiaowan, what did you say? Do you believe her?"

Meng Xiaowan shook her head and sobbed. "Of course I don't believe her!"

"But she kept dragging me to find you and to get even with you."

Lin Chen, who was on the other end of the phone, frowned and said nervously, "So you agreed to let her come and find me?!"

Meng Xiaowan shouted, "Of course I'll stop her from disturbing you! I don't want you to be slandered and affected! Compared to her, you're more important to me!"

Meng Xiaowan was sobbing uncontrollably.

The tension on Lin Chen's face gradually dissipated.

Meng Xiaowan's continued speaking on the phone.

"Although I know you… I still believe you!"

"Children are your bottom line. You will never do such a thing, so I'm confronting her now. Don't worry, I won't let her disturb you!"

Upon hearing this, Lin Chen's tense expression disappeared. He was overjoyed. He did not expect Meng Xiaowan to love him so much.

She loved him so much that there was no bottom line.

She was the most simp of all his women!

Child? If the child wasn't his, then whose was it?!

Lin Chen retracted his uncontrollable smile and let out a soft hum.

He said in an unpleasant tone, "How unlucky. Meng Xiaowan, why do you give me so much trouble!"

"Just you isn't enough, and you even have Bai Qianqian. If not for you, there wouldn't be so much trouble! How annoying!"

Seeing such a shameless jerk blaming her, Meng Xiaowan felt nauseous.

However, Meng Xiaowan did not show it. She continued to pretend sobbing.

"I'm sorry Lin Chen! It's all my fault. I shouldn't have introduced you guys to each other! If that's the case, I… I'll go and buy it for you now!"

Even though Lin Chen wanted to see Meng Xiaowan's shameless face,

It was not as important as his own peace and quiet.

Rather than Bai Qianqian coming to trouble him, he would have preferred for Bai Qianqian to go and trouble Meng Xiaowan instead!

It would save him from being annoyed by Bai Qianqian!

This was good too! Let them fend for themselves!

Wouldn't that be great!?

Lin Chen immediately shouted, "Hey! Meng Xiaowan, don't look for me for the next few days! Don't you dare to let you or Bai Qianqian appear in front of me!"

Meng Xiaowan pretended to be reluctant and tried to persuade him to stay on the line. "Lin Chen, why?! I really want to see you! I feel terrible for not being able to see you for a day, not to mention not seeing you for the next few days!"

Before she could finish speaking, she heard the sound of the phone being hung up.

The moment he hung up, Meng Xiaowan smiled and wiped the tears off her face.

"See you? I wish I could never see you again."

"Don't worry, Lin Chen. Your retribution will come slowly."

At the same time, her gaze shifted to the white figure in front of the villa.

Meng Xiaowan's eyes lit up and she smirked.

"The show is about to begin."

At this moment.


Her phone rang. It was a call from the form teacher of the university.

Only then did Meng Xiaowan remember that she still had to go to school!

Oh no, it was almost noon.

She pressed the phone and said, "Hey."

The woman on the other end of the line shouted, "Meng Xiaowan! Don't you want to graduate this semester and get a scholarship?! What time is it already?

"You're usually the first to arrive. What happened today?"

Meng Xiaowan came back to her senses, she rolled her eyes and coughed. She said weakly, "Ah? Teacher, I'm sorry I've caught a cold recently and overslept. I'll be right there!"