Qianqian, It Has Been Hard On You

She has always been flustered and frightened while in school, and her emotions are unpredictable. Sometimes, she would cry happily, and sometimes, she would laugh sadly. All of this was because of her love life.

As the saying goes, when it comes to matters of the heart, the person who would be the most upset would not be the person involved, but the person's best friend or friend.

This sentence was completely reasonable. It was precisely because of this that Meng Xiaowan and her had a common topic to talk about previously!

But now, when Meng Xiaowan thought about it, she felt a headache. She really has a love-hate relationship with women in love!

As memories flashed through her mind, Zhang Wen had already run up to her to exchange pleasantries.

"Xiaowan, I heard that you came in first today. Congratulations!"

Meng Xiaowan smiled and said, "Thank you."

Zhang Wen glanced at Meng Xiaowan.

Then, she frowned and continued, "Eh, Xiaowan, where's Qianqian?"

When Meng Xiaowan heard this name, she couldn't help but smile. She shrugged her shoulders and said calmly, "Something seems to have happened at home recently. She didn't tell me anything and took leave. I don't know when she will be back."

Zhang Wen was worried. "Huh? Is Qianqian alright?"

Upon hearing this, Meng Xiaowan shook her head and said, "I think so. I think she has something to handle at home and can't leave at the moment. Don't worry."

When Zhang Wen heard this, she knew that Xiaowan was Bai Qianqian's best friend. If she had said so, it should not be a big deal.

Thereafter, she relaxed her brows and smiled. "That's good. I hope she's fine. If there's anything, you must tell me."


At the same time, the sun was already halfway down the mountain. Bai Qianqian's sweat was already dry. She licked her dry lips, and her pupils were slowly losing focus.

She swallowed her saliva and inadvertently closed her eyes. Her entire body actually leaned back uncontrollably. Fortunately, Bai Qianqian was young and could endure it. In a flash, she regained her balance. From what she could discern from her blurry vision, there was no movement at all in the silent villa.

Soon after, the sound of a car approaching could be heard from afar. Bai Qianqian's eyes widened and a smile appeared on her face.

Could it be Lin Chen's parents?!

The next second, the car that appeared in her sight turned in the opposite direction at a crossroad not far from the villa.

For a moment, Bai Qianqian felt disappointed!

Indeed, it was not that easy. A day had passed just like that. If she continued standing there, would she be able to see Lin Chen's parents?

Bai Qianqian looked at the peaceful scene in front of her and started to hesitate. She could not help but send Meng Xiaowan a message. "Xiaowan, I've been standing here for the whole day and I haven't seen Lin Chen's parents. What should I do?"

On the other side, Meng Xiaowan's phone rang. As she listened to Zhang Wen continue talking, she took out her phone.

Not long after Zhang Wen asked about Bai Qianqian, she seemed to have thought of something. An imperceptible trace of worry flashed past her eyes as she said in a serious tone, "Xiaowan, I have something to tell you. You don't know how terrible I feel without you in the dormitory. No one can understand me. No one is willing to talk to me about my feelings. I feel like I'm about to be depressed! I'm suffocating!"

Meng Xiaowan lowered her head to look at the message. In Zhang Wen's blind spot, she could not help but smile.

Immediately after, she sent a text message. "Qianqian, it's been hard on you. But this is only the first day. Go home first and try again tomorrow."

The moment she sent the message, the smile on her face disappeared. Meng Xiaowan lifted her head and looked at Zhang Wen worriedly. "What happened? You can tell me if you have anything to say. Although I've moved out, our friendship won't be affected."

As soon as she said that, Zhang Wen couldn't control the tears in her eyes. She was completely touched by Meng Xiaowan's words. She thought that Meng Xiaowan had forgotten about her because she had lost contact with her when she moved out. She didn't expect that the two of them, who had lost contact with each other, could return to the past once they met.

She grabbed Meng Xiaowan's hand and said tearfully, "Thank you so much, Xiaowan! Let me tell you… I gave him my first time. Do you know that for girls from rural villages, this is especially important? But my boyfriend doesn't cherish it anymore. He was so nice to me before and was a perfect man. It also took a long time before I agreed. At that time, I totally thought that even if he got it, he would cherish me like before. I really thought so because he said that as long as he got it, he would marry me and ask my parents for my hand in marriage! But… sob sob sob."

When Zhang Wen said that, she subconsciously lowered her head and cried even harder.

When Meng Xiaowan saw this, she frowned. She looked at Zhang Wen's trembling back and felt her heart tighten.

Following that, she reached out to pat Zhang Wen on the shoulder and continued, "So now, he wants to break up with you, right? Because he has his eyes on someone else."

Zhang Wen choked. "Yes…"

"Is he also that kind of person?"