Help Me Dry

After returning home, it seemed that the desires in Jiang Rongyan's body had not been completely released.

"I want to go swimming," he said and left.

Although Xu Anran felt that it was strange, she did not stop him.

It was almost time to eat, so she might as well go and cook.

Although cooking was to serve others, it was also a way to relieve pressure in Xu Anran's heart.

While cooking, she could finally find time to watch the trending searches.

However, she did not expect the matter of the trial to develop so quickly.

Previously, her reputation on the internet had changed so quickly that she thought it was an exception. Now, it seemed that the internet was really a place where the wind could change at any time.

Many people had already known about the outcome of the trial, so there were comments about boycotting Xu Anning's family's company.

As an innocent victim, she had already gained 10 million fans in such a short time.