Chapter 1: Political Marriage (Part 1)

Episode 01

(I Will Never Marry A Monster)


[ XX20 Imperial Year.

Loire Empire 

The Royal Palace

The 2nd Princess's Bedroom. ]

"Father! No! I will not do that! I will never marry a heinous werewolf! You can not do that to me, father! You can not force me!"

A young girl with vibrant pink hair wept, her face buried in a pillow.

"Ruby, My Dear. Please try to understand! This is for the greater good of our Empire. For the peace between our Loire Empire and that Fellmirr! We can not let them gain any more power than they already possess."

A middle-aged man with pale-yellow hair attempted to console the girl, his voice filled with desperation. Although his efforts proved to be futile…

"Still! How can you marry me off to a repulsive monster?!"

The room of the 2nd Princess Rubena Estella Von Loire was in utter chaos. It was because she was forcefully set up for a political marriage with the Crown Prince of the Fellmirr Empire, Leonus Albus Carados Fellmirr. 

Fellmirr… A colossal empire that housed a diverse array of beings such as Beasts, Monsters, Beastmen, Mages, and individuals without magical abilities. It was established by the formidable Alpha, Elizar Fellmirr to strengthen their kin and for the safety of the Beastmen from the dark mages. 

Throughout generations, the Fellmirr Empire had risen to become the most dominant force across all continents. Numerous empires had attempted to overthrow them, yet none had succeeded in defeating them in battle.

On the other hand, the Loire Empire was renowned as the Land of Mages. For centuries, it had been home to mages possessing a wide range of magical abilities, including fire, water, ice, thunder, and many more. Some gifted individuals utilized spells to harness their magical powers. 

Yet, the empire's prestige owed much to the late Emperor Johannes Von Allen Loire, a mage of unparalleled prowess. His mastery extended to the realms of Light Magic, Spatial Magic, and the intricate art of Spell-Casting. These extraordinary abilities were exceedingly rare, setting him apart from his peers. Under his enlightened rule, the Loire Empire soared to the pinnacle of fame and prosperity.

The Werewolves and other Beastmen have historically harbored animosity towards mages, except those affiliated with the Fellmirr Empire. In the distant past, the beastmen were exploited by many dark mages for various magical experiments, utilizing them as ingredients for potent potions and as sacrificial offerings for their nefarious Dark Magic.

They were brutally tortured and used as slaves. However, weary of being used and tormented by greedy humans, the then Alpha of black wolves stood up and together with other beastmen, hunted down the Dark mages and established the formidable Fellmirr Empire. 

As time passed by, dark mages were eradicated. Those who were alive hid somewhere. 

In a surprising turn of events this year, when the empires and kingdoms of the Waldor continent proposed the Peace Accord through Political Marriage, the current Emperor of the Fellmirr Empire, Theobald Cedric Fellmirr, readily agreed. 

This unexpected decision left everyone astonished, as Emperor Theobald had never shown such willingness before. The Beastmen were notorious for their aversion to interacting with mages from other Empires or kingdoms. Moreover, the Fellmirr is not one that can be called a Friendly Empire.

However, a condition was given by Emperor Theobald. It was that the princess chosen as the bride must hail from the Loire Empire. This was not entirely unexpected, considering that the Loire Empire is the largest among all the empires on the continent, although it cannot be compared to the might of the Fellmirr Empire.

And it will be a great opportunity for the Loire Empire to rise to power and put a leash on them… Or that's what the Emperor of Loire thought. 

Anyways, the second princess was chosen as the designated bride, as the first princess Isabella Von Hagen Loire was already betrothed. However, the second princess is entirely against this. 

"Calm down, Ruby."

"No! I can't! How can I calm down?"


"I will never marry a monster! Never!"

Nearly a month has passed by since he began his relentless pursuit of convincing Rubena to agree to this marriage. However, all his efforts have been in vain. Rubena locked herself in her room, crying and screaming. Witnessing his beloved youngest daughter in such distress, Emperor Mathias Von Goldrudder Loire pondered for a while.

After a few thoughts, he changed his mind.

"Sigh~ Albert."

Mathias sighed deeply, touching his forehead and called for his aide.

"Yes, Your Majesty." responded a young man with brown hair, his voice formal and respectful. He was standing quietly in one corner of Rubena's room until Mathias called him.

"Summon Isabella to my study."

"As you wish, Your Majesty." replied Albert with a slight bow.




Isabella Von Hagen Loire, the esteemed first Princess of the Loire empire, is the only offspring of the first Empress. Tragically, her mother, Empress Roxanne, succumbed to illness when Isabella was at a tender age.

Flawless, porcelain skin, cascading golden locks that gracefully reached her ankles, and enchanting purple eyes rendered her a true work of art.

Her mesmerizing golden hair shimmered like a radiant flare of sunshine, delicate and fragile as if it could shatter with the slightest touch. Her captivating purple eyes resembled the brilliance of amethyst, adding an ethereal quality to her already stunning appearance. She was a captivating beauty that radiated both inwardly and outwardly.

Yet, the people, mostly the Emperor, hated her. Within the palace walls, she was treated with utmost contempt, even by the servants and maids who worked there. To them, she was practically invisible.

The Emperor harbored a deep-seated animosity towards Isabella, stemming from his forced marriage to the first Empress by his father, the late Emperor Johannes Von Allen Loire. Emperor Mathias despised Isabella due to her striking resemblance to his father. In contrast to her resplendent blonde locks, his own hair was a lackluster shade of pale yellow. Consequently, he felt an overwhelming sense of inferiority whenever he laid eyes upon Isabella.

His monstrous behaviour towards Isabella makes him nothing less than a monster in the guise of a human. 

Even her fiance Grand Duke Roberto Silverwind gave her the cold shoulder. Rumours even suggest that he harbors a secret affection for Princess Rubena.

So the poor girl was looked down upon in high society too. 

There was another significant reason for her mistreatment: Isabella lacked the ability to use magic. In this empire, all members of the Royal Family possessed the power of Light Magic, yet Isabella couldn't even conjure a simple ray of light.

Within the empire, there were two princes and two princesses. Isabella, was the second child of the Emperor and the sole offspring of Empress Roxanne. It wasn't even a week after marrying Roxanne when Mathias took a concubine. 

Among her siblings, only the first Prince William Von Travis Loire didn't mistreat her. Although he still ignores her after a light greeting. However, even he merely acknowledged her with a brief greeting before moving on. On the other hand, the second prince, Daniel Luth Loire, had caused her significant trouble in the past.

The youngest child, Rubena, displayed genuine sincerity in her treatment of Isabella. She genuinely wanted to be a good sister to Isabella. However, that was merely what others claimed…

In the Royal Palace, Isabella occupies a modest chamber. When the Emperor summoned her, perched upon the window seat. 

Clad in a delicate pink nightgown adorned with exquisite white flower-patterned laces, Isabella's golden locks shimmered in the sunlight streaming through the window. A gentle rosy hue graced her cheeks, while her lips boasted a vibrant red hue.


A cold breeze fluttered her hair.

Her figure, leaning against the window seat, engrossed in her book, was so captivating that one would forget to breathe just by watching that. 





Isabella slowly closed the book she was reading. It was about Ancient Magic.

Her grandfather, the previous Emperor, gave it to her secretly when she was really young. 

He was the only person who genuinely loved her besides her mother. Although she doesn't remember anything about her mother as she died when she was really young.



 Isabella was sitting on her grandfather, Emperor Johannes's lap in his private library. He used to call her 'Bell' affectionately.

"Do you know Bell, Ancient Magic is the mother of all magic?"

"Moder(Mother) of all magic?"

"Yes. It includes time magic, dark magic, spatial magic and many more complicated magical powers."


"But now it is a forbidden realm of magic. It was a great magic whose purpose was to make mankind a better place. But because of some selfish people, it's now bygone here."


Little Isabella, who couldn't understand what Johannes said, tilted her head.

"It means, there isn't any mage alive in this empire who can cast such complicated magic. Hahaha~ "

"Yah(You) can't use anshint(ancient) magic, Granfader(Grandfather)?"

"Well, I can. Not all of them though."

"Aww~ Why not?"

"Hahaha~ Well, I just can't. But there are mages in the Fellmirr Empire who can still use Ancient Magic. But sigh~"

"What ish(is) it, Granfader?"

"Because some people used them for their selfish purpose, people are not allowed to enter the Fellmirr Empire."

"People can not enter da(the) Fermirr(Fellmirr) Empire?"

"No, child."


"Because they were hurt by our people."

"Aww~ Ishabela hope day(They) won't be shad(sad) anymore."

"Mhmm. I hope so too. I wish there will be a day when both kinds can live in harmony. Oh! This old man completely forgot. Look at this", said Johannes while bringing out a book from his mantle.

"What ish(is) dis(this), Granfader?"

"This is a book about Ancient Magic."

"But Ishabela can't read."

"Hoho~ Read this when you grow up. Until then I'll keep this with me. But don't tell anyone about this. Let's keep it our little secret, okay?", said Johannes with a mischievous smile.

"Otay(Okay)!" >


The sudden cold breeze brought Isabella back from reminiscing. It was the time when her grandfather first showed her that book. 

'Oh, how much I miss him!'

Isabella thought while stroking the cover of the book which was made of black velvet and decorated with green and red coloured gemstones. 

"Haa~ It's getting colder... Winter is near."

Looking outside the window, Isabella exhaled a long breath and mumbled. 

Knock* Knock*

Hearing the sudden sound of someone knocking on her door, Isabella hurriedly hid the book under a pillow. She then wrapped a shawl around her shoulder and said, "C-Come in." 


The door opened and a young man with brown hair and brown eyes along with a pair of glasses entered the room.

It was Albert. Although he is just 25, he became His Majesty, the Emperor's aide because of his talents. He will probably serve Isabella's brother, Crown Prince William when he ascends to the throne. He is a man of few words and a very mysterious person.

After offering a slight bow, Albert spoke, "Good afternoon, Princess. His Majesty, the Emperor, has requested your presence in his study."

Isabella flinched, hearing Albert's words.

"H-His Majesty? To his s-study?"


"I-I see. I'll be there in a few minutes," Isabella replied with a nervous smile.

"Very well. Please excuse me," Albert said, bowing slightly before leaving the room. 

'I wonder why that person is looking for me. I didn't do anything this month. So why?'