Chapter 3: The Banquet (Part 1)

Episode 06

(Bring Your Bride)




Fellmirr Empire

The Royal Palace

The Emperor's Study.

A week after the Waldor Annual Meeting.

"So did you take care of those rats?"

"Yes, Your Highness. They were easy to kill."

"Yes! Yes! For your Knights, it must've been." (=_=)

"Yes, it was."

"But still. Turning into burning ashes! And they even showed up during winter!"

"Yes. It's quite bizarre indeed."

"Sigh~ Strange! How did they even get in on our empire..."

The Fellmirr Empire is in the Northern part of the Waldor Continent. As a result, the Winter in Fellmirr stays longer than any other place of Waldor. 

At this time of the year, it's already snowing in Fellmirr. 

And monsters roam around the most during Mid-Autumn. They come out of their den and hunt down the nearby towns and villages. So it's dangerous for normal people. As there isn't just Beastmen who reside in Fellmirr. 

The monsters come out of Dark Forests situated in different regions but the ones from the Nuglobar territory in the North-East region are the most ferocious.  

So some knights from each Aristocrat family along with their family's successor go hunting them down. It's like a fun game of hunting for the beasts. 

The expedition group generally stays there for a month, just to make sure there isn't any monster left. 

As Winter approaches, the weather gets colder. As a result, the monsters start to return to their den in Early Winter. So there were never any monsters approaching or attacking people at the time.

That's why it's safe from the Early Winter. This year was the same. 

Until that thing showed up. It was a new kind of monster. 

Strangely they had the shape of a dog but were much bigger. They didn't have any faces. It had sharp teeth and saliva was coming out of its mouth, it was dark grey coloured. 

It was a menacing creature straight out of hell. And it stopped coming right before snowfall. 

Although it wasn't that hard to kill them for the Knights, it wouldn't have been the case with ordinary people. So this time they had to eradicate all of those monsters to make sure everyone would be safe.

And that's what Emperor Theobald Cedric was talking about with the Crown Prince Leonus. As he joined the hunt this year. 

It was dark outside. The dancing flame of the fireplace was making a mysterious play of light and shadow. 

Emperor Theobald was sitting on a couch in front of the fireplace.

While Leonus was standing in front of him. He was wearing a black shirt with his wet black hair. He just returned from the hunt today and was giving a report to Theobald about this year's Hunting Expedition. 

"Anyways you should go back and rest now. You have to depart for the Loire tomorrow... While I have to handle all this work. Damn it! I want a break too! I wanted to go to the Hunt too." 

Emperor Theobald said in a crying tone. 

Leonus was looking at him with an expressionless face. 

His father has always been like that. He's cheerful most of the time and hates paperwork. His aide has to suffer the most for that.

"..." (-_-)

"Shit! I will just go back to Alicia. Go back to your room, so that I can go back too!"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"You don't even say father now. Do you hate me that much?!"

"Yes, father."

"Anyways You must be happy to bring your bride."

The calm deep blue eyes were like burning blue flames. There was a small smirk on Leonus's face that was almost invisible.


"Aghh! Don't smile like that."

"How am I smiling?"

"Like a sly wolf."

"I am one though."

"Nevermind. Just go back. I will go back to my wife."


"And… Be sure to come back before 'that'."

Theobald suddenly said in a serious tone.


"You know what will happen if you don't, don't you?"

"Yes. I am well aware."

"Good. Now leave."

Leonus then bowed to Theobald and returned to his room. 

And the next day he departed from Fellmirr with his knights and two companions to bring his bride. 




Fellmirr Empire.

The day before the departure.

I woke up early this morning. Sunlight was coming out of the window.

Ring* Ring*

After ringing the bell, Anne came with a bowl of water. While washing my face, I heard someone knocking on my door.

Knock* Knock*

"Princess, may I come in?"

It was Albert. Come to think of it, the Emperor did say that Albert will come and inform me about everything. 

After washing my face, I changed my nightgown and wore a peach-coloured dress. I let my hair down. Then sit on the couch.

"Come in."


With a creaking sound, the door opened. 

Albert bowed and said,

"Greetings, Princess. Here is your full schedule for today. As you might know already, you will be departing for Fellmirr tomorrow.".


With the snap of his finger, a magical scroll started floating in front of me. When I took the scroll and opened it,  glowing blue letters started revealing themselves on the scroll.

I calmly started reading the content of the scroll. 

"A banquet?"

"Yes. It's a Welcome Banquet for the Crown Prince Leonus Albus Carados Fellmirr. He will be here in the afternoon along with his Knights and companions."

"I see…"

"And this is the dress you will be wearing for the banquet."

Albert waved his hands and some maids came in with a gorgeous black dress with off-shoulder sleeves. It had sparkling Diamonds and glittery Gold on it. I guess His Majesty wants to show off. 

"The maids will prepare you. "


"There will be knights guarding outside your room. It's for your safety."

More like, to make sure I can't run away.


"And you can order the maids to prepare the things you need to take from here."


To be honest, I don't have anything I can take from here. Just some books that Grandfather gave me and my mother's keepsakes.

"Then I will be going. If you need anything, feel free to ask the butler. Oh! You can take one of the maids to the Fellmirr Empire."


"And after choosing a maid, please inform the butler about that."

I nodded my head instead of replying. After that, Albert bowed and left the room.




Loire Empire.

The Imperial Garden.


Clink* Clink*

Emperor Mathias, princess Rubena and Crown Prince William were having a tea time.

"Father, I want to go to Grandfather's place."

"Hmm? Duke Krynt Greycastle…"



"I don't want to be here when those beasts of Fellmirr arrive. What if that Beast prince falls for me after seeing my beauty and refuses to marry my sister! I don't want to marry an ugly monster!"

"You should let her go, father."

"Yes. Oh! Daniel's there, right?"

"Yes. He is staying there with his friends from the academy. And will go on the Hunting Expedition to Ashoron Territory sometime later. He probably has reached there by now."

William said while taking a sip from the cup of tea.

Daniel Luth Loire is the second prince of the Loire Empire. He is good at fire magic and also mastered swordsmanship. He has red hair and golden eyes like his mother. And famous among all the Ladies of the capital. He is the one who troubled Isabella the most of her siblings. 

"Hmm. Then I assume you will go there today."

"Yes. I'll be leaving in an hour."



After that, Mathias took a sip from the cup of tea and continued their chitter-chatter for a while.