Chapter 14: The Blood Moon (Part 2)

Episode 267





A few moments after I had arrived in the front yard of the Royal Castle, the sound of a horse's neighing was heard. 

And soon riding Speranzas, 4 young men arrived in front of us. Their heads and shoulders were covered with white snow.

"Greetings, Your Majesty, the Empress and Your Highness, the Crown Princess."

After getting down from the Speranzas, the 4 men bowed and greeted us in a polite tone.

"Raise your heads."

At mother's word, the 4 men stood straight and thanked mother.

"Let me introduce them to you."

Mother said, looking at me with a smile.

"This is Samuel Yasuji, the young master of Yasuji Duchy, the Nine-tailed-Fox Clan."

Mother said showing a young man with red hair and silver eyes. The man slightly bowed towards me as mother introduced him to me and I did the same.

Yasuji? That sounds strangely familiar.