Chapter 14: The Blood Moon (Part 5)

Episode 270

( Damsel?... In Distress…?)

! Warning !

[The Contents Of This Episode are suitable for MATURE Readers only.]


Moaning, I dug my nails into Leonus's bare shoulders. And without caring about that Leonus continued kissing me. 

His right hand, which was on my leg, slowly reached my thighs like a snake. And his other hand became busy untying the ribbon of my nightgown which was above my chest.

"Nngh… Leon…"

As I mumbled his name, Leonus parted his lips from mine and licked my lips. Soon his head reached my neck and started kissing and licking my shoulder and collarbone. His left hand slowly caressed my bosoms.


My toes curled up at the sensation of his touch. 


Mumbling in a seductive voice, Leonus raised his head and looked at me. Hearing him calling my name, I couldn't help but look at him. 

Goosebumps ran down my spine when I looked into his eyes.