[Bonus Chapter: 14] Rachelle Ainsworth (Part 6)

(The Cursed Night)




Upon receiving His Highness's order, I hastened towards Her Highness's chamber. 

Almost every one of the maids and servants of the Royal Castle were Beastmen. So most of them had to return to their home until the night of the red moon passed, leaving only a select few to attend to the needs of the royal family.

The castle now lay empty, devoid of its usual hustle and bustle. The knights, having returned from their recent expedition, were all taking a day off. Well, the knights who are Beastmen to be exact.

When I reached in front of Her Highness's room, I found two wizards already guarding the door to her chamber.

I glanced at them for a while. Judging by their aura, they were definitely strong. 

'Of course, not stronger than me.'

I smirked thinking so and right then Her Highness walked out of her room.

 "Greetings, Your Highness."

"Rachel? What are you doing here?"