Chapter 6: Festive Journey…Or Not? (Part 1)

Episode 319

( Prince's Marriage Bombshell )




The next morning, as the first rays of sun pierced the winter sky, the group was already on the move, their breath misting in the cold air. Their readiness stemmed not only from meticulous preparations but also from a palpable excitement. After all, they were embarking on a grand journey with Crown Prince Leonus, and excitement was in the air—how could it not be?

Suddenly, Leonus's marriage announcement had erupted among them, a startling yet thrilling surprise. Everyone buzzed with a mix of excitement and a hint of worry; choosing a Crown Princess from beyond the borders of the Fellmirr Empire was unprecedented. Yet, as the weeks pressed on, filled with relentless preparations, their initial shock was buried under a mountain of tasks.