Oh, What A morning!

"Humph!" Rita rolled her eyes and a deep scowl emerged on her face.

Leia smiled widely and walked closer to her. "I want you to repeat what you said before." She grinned at Rita with her eyes narrowed into a thin line and placed her hands behind her back.

Rita fluttered her eyes in bewilderment and scrutinized her from head to toe. She slightly shook her head, and a smirk made its way to her lips. "What? You think I am-" She had just parted her lips to speak, but a hand suddenly grabbed her fiercely by the hair, and before she could anticipate what would happen next, her forehead was furiously banged on the steel counter, followed by crazy laughter. 

The maids stared at Leia, who was still slamming Rita's head on the counter, with dilated eyes. Their jaws fell, and they gazed at her face, which held a wide, wicked grin. What in the world are they witnessing? This girl is crazy! She is insane!

Rita's head, which was continuously being slammed on the counter, became bloody, and lines of blood streamed down her face to her jaw and dropped on the white apron she wore. Leia crazily chuckled and banged her head on the counter once more before letting go of her hair. Rita fell to the floor as dizziness overwhelmed her. She pressed her palm against the floor and struggled to keep herself up.

Leia moved closer to her and squatted down to her level. She placed her finger on Rita's cheek and made her look at her. Her eyes glanced at Rita's bleeding forehead, and a soft chuckle escaped her mouth. "Darling, Next time, think before you speak." She pressed her lips together, and pessimistically shook her head. "All I wanted was my breakfast, but you woke the demon in me this early morning." She clicked her tongue in annoyance and shook her head once again. She patted Rita on the shoulder and revealed a smile. "You will be fine."

She stood up and glanced at the maids, who still had their jaws falling and their eyes dilated. "I want my food in ten minutes!" Her eyes menacingly glared at them, and she strolled out of the kitchen. "Oh, what a morning!" She yelled as her back disappeared from view.

The maids fluttered their eyes and ran up to Rita when they heard her painful groan. They grabbed her by the arm and helped her up from the floor.

One of the maids with blond hair handed her white clothing, and her face grimaced a bit. "Miss, why did you let her do that to you?" She asked curiously, with confusion written all over her face. "We are wolves and she's a mere human."

Rita halted cleaning the blood streaming down her face and turned to the maid. Her face darkened, and she sent a painful slap across the maid's face. "You're very stupid! Were you blind not to see it was unexpected? Also, were you expecting me to hit her or what? Did you forget our Supreme Alpha's order? Do you think she'd still be breathing if it hadn't been for his orders?" Her face grimaced in irritation and she resumed wiping the blood from her face.

The maid clutched her cheek and her eyes darted around in embarrassment. "I apologize, Miss. please forgive me." She took a step back as Rita's eyes glared at her. 

"Fool!" Rita took an annoyed breath and took off the white apron she was wearing, which now had bloodstains on it. She proceeded to walk out of the kitchen to get treatment, but someone, however, stepped in, preventing her from moving further.

Rita looked up and her eyes dilated as she was stunned by the person standing in front of her. Her lashes fluttered, and she immediately bowed her head in respect. "My lady."

"Why is your forehead bleeding?" The silhouette who walked into the kitchen asked as she stared at the bloody clothing in Rita's hand and her forehead, which was still bleeding a little.

Rita raised her eyes to look at the gorgeous woman who was naturally Selena, and her eyes darted around anxiously. What was she to say? That the human brat hit her or what? Wouldn't that be the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to her?

"M-my lady, it's nothing. I accidentally slipped and fell due to my carelessness." Her lips curled into an awkward smile, and she blinked her eyes in annoyance.

Selena's brows arched in a bit of surprise, and she slightly nodded her head. She glanced at Rita, and her face grimaced in irritation. "Do I look like a kid to you?" Her face darkened, and she unhappily folded her hands.

Rita panicked immediately when she heard the question, and she bowed anxiously. "I am sorry, my lady. Please forgive me." She pleaded and nervously fiddled her fingers. If she gets on Selena's bad side, she doubts she might still be breathing in two minutes.

Selena rolled her eyes and waved her fingers at her. "What happened?" Her brow arched, and she impatiently tapped the edge of her heel on the floor.

Rita swallowed and took a low breath. Her face puckered in embarrassment, and she raised her eyes to stare at Selena. "Um... earlier, the human brat came to the kitchen for food, and I-" She slowly narrated every single detail of what happened earlier, and her face reddened in stigma as she watched Selena's face, which had an amusing expression slowly forming on it.

"Sorry." Selena chuckled a bit and shook her head in amusement. She glanced at the maids, and her face returned to its seriousness. "Take her food to her!" The maids nodded their heads vigorously and rushed out of the kitchen into the dining room with trays of food in their hands.

Selena nodded her head in satisfaction and turned to Rita. A smile formed on her lips, and she slightly arched her brow. "Go get yourself treated." She patted her on the shoulder and left the kitchen.


Leia sat on a chair at the dining table and hungrily gobbled down her breakfast. She burped and her large eyes closed a bit in enjoyment. Her nose suddenly twitched when she smelled an unfamiliar scent, and she raised her eyes. She turned her head to the side, only to see a beautiful young woman with fiery red hair and gray eyes. Her curvy body was draped in a body-hugging sleeveless dress, revealing her flawless skin.

"Nice to meet you." The young woman, who was naturally Selena, smiled at her and blinked her long lashes.