
"Still," Leia's eyes glared at him, and she wrapped her arm tightly around her body.

Adrik gazed at her, and his face became amused at her reaction. "Little wife, we are married, and I also promised you that I wouldn't do anything to you without your consent, so relax. I just want to bathe you myself. " He closed the tap and got up to walk to her.

Leia gazed at him, and he pulled her up from the block by the wrist. He stared at her and waited for her to give her consent.

Leia creased her brow and uncertainty flashed in her eyes. She lifted her head to glance at him, and a deep breath escaped her lips. "Fine, but... turn around." She stared at him with an arched brow.

Adrik shook his head in an amused manner and turned around to have his back facing her.