
Then she picked a white plate from the sets of ceramic plates placed near the food. She scooped up a full spoon of rice and placed it on the plate, then gently dropped it in front of Adrik. She added a delicious-looking fried chicken on top of the rice and stood up from her seat. 

She walked over to Adrik and picked up the white napkin from the table, then perfectly attached it to his neck. Adrik's eyes blinked, and he just silently watched her. 

Leia handed a fork and knife to him, then walked back to her seat. She glanced at Alex, who stood by the side, and motioned for him to take a seat on the third chair. 

Alex blinked his eyes and slightly shook his head in disapproval with an awkward smile on his lips. "Thank you, Mrs. Leia..." He immediately swallowed the rest of his sentence when he saw Leia's face darkening. She glared at him with menacing eyes and slowly grinned.