So Hot

"I want you to hold me like you used to, please." She curdled in closer to him and sniffed, making Adrik realize that she was crying.

His eyes flickered in confusion and he glanced at her. "Please, just hold me! I want to sleep in your arms, please." Leia poured out everything she wanted to say without even knowing it. At this moment, she wasn't even listening to herself, but the only thing she was clear of was that she wanted him to hold her. She needed his comfort. She felt completely alone and empty.

She sniffed and sobbed silently. Her eyes flickered when she felt no reaction from Adrik, and she proceeded to move closer to him, but her hand accidentally nudged on Adrik's injury and his face grimaced a bit. She drew back immediately and glanced up at him. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to." She apologized and immediately turned around to avoid his expressionless gaze.