Is It Because

Leia arrived at the mansion a few minutes after Adrik did, and she stepped down, then shut the door and locked it. She stuffed the car key into her pocket as she rushed inside and hurriedly made her way to their room.

She pushed the door open and stepped in. Her heart instantly skipped a bit when her eyes fell on Adrik, who stood by the window with his hands shoved into his pocket and his eyes gazing up at the dark sky.

Her lashes fluttered nervously, and slowly she began to walk towards him. She had yet to get close to him when Adrik's threatening, cold voice drummed in her ears. 'Don't come close to me!" 

"Adrik... Adrik, it's not what you think. Please just hear me out. I can explain." She pleaded and proceeded to move closer to him, but he abruptly turned around, causing her to flinch back and his golden-colored eyes glared hatefully at her. "I said, do not come near me! Leia, if you dare me, you won't like my reaction. Get out!"