Why Didn't You Tell Me?

Adrik's eyes fluttered vigorously, and he hurriedly paused the video. He took a short, quick breath, then rubbed his face with his palm. 

He resumed the video again and continued to watch. As he did, his eyes began to dwindle, and his hands began to morph into fists. The moment the scene where Shawn pulled Leia down and kissed her forcefully, Adrik's heart skipped a bit and his face began to boil red in rage. 

He took a long, deep breath to calm himself down and pinched between his brows. 'Fuck!' He cursed, realizing he had misjudged Leia and was indeed unnecessarily angry at her. He took yet another subtle breath, then proceeded to play the next video.

He clicked on the video and interlocked his hands. He really wanted to see how his little wife settled everything.

[Leia pushed the door to the ward open and walked towards the chair to sit down, with no single emotion evident on her face.