I Am Sure You're Not A Foolish Man

[Luna is everything alr-]

"Don't worry, everything is going according to my plan." Leia chuckled wickedly, and a dangerous glint flickered in her eyes. "Everything is set." 

[Okay... that's a relief]

Leia smiled maliciously at herself and took the speakers off her ears. She turned to face Adrik, who was about to leave for work and perked him on the lips. "See you at six." Adrik nodded at her and kissed her forehead before walking out of the room.


The car pulled over to a stop in front of a tall company that had the name "Blue Berry." boldly written above it, and parked in the parking lot.

The drivers hurried down and pulled the door open for Mr. Adolpho. He stepped down and they shut the door, then he turned to gaze at the building. He adjusted his clothing and began to walk towards the entrance with his men following behind him.