Come And Pick Me Up!!

"You wanted to learn how to use your abilities, no?" He raised his brow at her, and Leia's jaw dropped in recollection. "Oh, yes, I do." She chuckled softly, and Adrik shook his head at her, with amusement visible in his expression. "Alright, come with me then." He pulled her along with him, and they walked to stand in the center of the backyard opposite each other.

Adrik wiggled his eyebrows at her and took his white jacket off, then disappeared, appearing before the white swing in the blink of an eye and dropping his jacket on it. In truth, he didn't even teleport, as werewolves do not have such an ability. He only ran, at a speed that would make one think he teleported.

"Damn." Leia chuckled as she bit her lower lips and Adrik tilted his head to one side. "Come get it." 

Leia narrowed her eyes and took a deep breath, preparing to move. However, she suddenly straightened up as a question popped up in her mind. Is she supposed to just run or...