Long Time, No See

"Isn't that your right-hand man?" Shawn immediately questioned when Ileus arrived near him.

"Yes." Ileus nodded, and his face creased a bit in bewilderment. "What were you guys talking about?" He inquired, and Ileus arched his brow at him in displeasure. "That's none of your business. C'mon, let's go." He grabbed him by the hand and proceeded to walk back to the car, but Shawn halted and snatched his hand away. "You can go. I will return later."

"Why?" Ileus inquired, a bit bewildered.

"Nothing. Just wanna spend some time here." Shawn shrugged and turned around to walk further into the park.

Ileus stared at his disappearing back as though contemplating something, and when he was done with his contemplation, he stuffed his hands into the pocket of his jacket, then rushed to walk beside him.