Why Now?

Ha-Yoon's body trembled nervously, and she slowly shook her head at Jenny. 

The middle-aged woman instantly went into a rage on seeing that and proceeded to grab her, but Jenny, however, slapped her hand away and stood up to stare viciously at her. "Don't you dare touch her!"

The middle-aged woman's brow arched in amusement, and she chuckled softly. "And who do you think you are to stop me? I am her guardian and she's coming with me." She scoffed and moved to grab Ha-Yoon, but Ha-Yoon unexpectedly broke into a cry, attracting the attention of the few surrounding people there.

From a bit of a distance, Nirmolak, who also heard Ha-Yoon's cry, turned to glance in the direction, and on seeing Jenny, his eyes blinked in curiosity. 

He shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie and strolled over to them. 

"I don't wanna go with her." Ha-Yoon sobbed, and Jenny lifted her into her arms, then gently patted her on the back to calm her down.