Belphegor The Sloth

She knocked three times on the iron door, and it took a few seconds before it was unlocked and opened, revealing the same bulky man she saw the last time she was there.

"No shades this time." The bulky man sneered, his chest vibrating as usual, and Leia arched her brow at him. She slightly shook her head and walked in, strolling further in to arrive at the living room, which looked as messy as the last time she came there.

"Call your boss for me." She turned to the bulky man and said, and the bulky man's face crumpled. His brown eyes glared at her and he called in another man as bulky as him before moving to call his boss.

Leia took her seat and patiently waited for Blake Jones to arrive.

A few minutes passed before his steady footsteps resounded, and she turned around to see him with a smile hanging on his lips.