
"I messed up." He slumped tiredly on the table, resting his chin on it. Mr. Fernando chuckled at him and playfully ruffled his hair to lighten up his mood. "We make mistakes, kiddo. You just have to correct yours and everything will be fine."


{2:58 pm}

"Dad, why? Why are you marrying another wife?" Amy asked, completely annoyed. 

"Amy, let him be. It's his life; you don't expect him to continue being single. We are already adults." Jenny, clad in a red gorgeous dress with her hair tied up in a classic bun, lazily said, and Amy angrily turned to glare at her.

"If you don't want to attend, you don't have to. No one is forcing you." Jenny arched her brow at her and turned around to stroll out of the mansion.