A Monster

Leia stared at him, her face darkening with each second that passed.

"She said to me that... things happen and that she made a mistake. She won't justify herself, because circumstances made her commit such a mistake. " 

"I asked her what the circumstances were, but she was quite unable to look into my eyes and give me an answer. Deep in my heart, I wanted her to give me a reason, a reason why she hurt me like that. I wanted her to tell me because... I couldn't hate her. I didn't want to hate her. I have never loved anyone, including my first wife. Your mother was the only woman I fell for completely and... she broke me."

"I wanted her to give me a reason. I wanted to forgive her, but she stood staring at me with guilt in her beautiful black large eyes." Mr. Adolpho chuckled cynically and rubbed his temples.