vlamik City

"Take your hands off me?!" He glared at him and Ileus took a deep breath before letting go of him. "What's your problem? Why exactly are you mad at me?" he inquired and Shawn stared at him with disgust in his eyes. "I always thought there was some good in you but I was totally wrong. You're a fucking liar!"

"How did I lie to you?! Explain!" already fed up with him calling him a liar, Ileus retorted back in a chilly voice startling him. "If you don't explain how I lied to you, you're gonna regret it. If I must let you know, calling me a liar is one of the things that triggers my anger!" He said with gritted teeth as he leaned in closer to him and Shawn's eyes flickered vigorously as he swallowed.

"Now explain." Ileus crossed his arms and raised his brows at him. Shawn straightened up and adjusted his clothing. "You said you wouldn't hurt her, so why? Why did you guys do such a thing to her?" He questioned and Ileus stared at him for a moment in silence.