He Doesn't Hate Him

He apologized, and Leia stared at him, not uttering a single word. He let out a low breath and interlocked his hands. "Someone told me that I do not love you the way I think I do, but that I am, however, obsessed with you. I argued back at first, completely disagreeing with it, but he told me that if I loved you, I would never have hurt you, but would have cared about your happiness and what you wanted."

"I sat in my room yesterday and began to think to myself, if I was really just obsessed with you, and it dawned on me, that I was indeed just obsessed with you and unwilling to accept the truth." He sighed as he said, and Leia arched her brow at him. "What truth?"

"That you really stopped loving me a long time ago. You know, I did everything I did because I couldn't seem to accept the fact that you were happy in a marriage that you were sold into. I had in mind that you hated him and that he was forcing you, but in the end, I was completely wrong."