I Don't Hate You At All! I Dont!

"Oh, and one more thing, the throne was never yours to begin with. You had no chance to sit on it. " He chuckled softly and slowly shook his head, then turned to face Ileus, only to see him knelt on the floor, his hand clutching tightly on his chest, and something he never expected to see in his eyes. "Tears." 

He drew his head back in shock and stared at him for a few moments before walking towards him and squatting down to his level. "Tears... Am seeing tears in your eyes. Oops! They slipped." He smiled pessimistically, and Ileus stared into his eyes, his hands clenched into his tight fist. "You have lost a son today and the throne... you will never have." He laughed loudly and stood up from the sofa, then began to stagger out of the room.

He walked carelessly towards his room and yelled at the maids to get him lots of alcohol. With fear in their eyes, they nodded vigorously and rushed out of the room to get it for him.
