Definitely Not Hell.

"It's been a long time, Azazel." Zephania walked towards Azazel and ruffled his hair, but Azazel, who wasn't so pleased to see her, slapped her hand away and glared at her. "Don't touch me."

"Oh, you're still mad at me." A grimace ensued on her face, and she chuckled softly before turning back to look at Leia. "What do we have here? A long-lost sibling?" She moved around Leia and a slow smile emerged on her face. "So identical," she commented and glanced at Azazel with a smug smile on her face. "You finally got what you have always wanted. Your twin sister. " 

"It doesn't concern you, Zephania. Don't talk to me." Azazel scowled at her, and Lucifer who wasn't ready to watch them bicker waved his hand at them and turned to face Zephania with a frown on his face. "Zephania, quit messing around. I am here for something important," he said, and Zephania nodded at him before walking towards him.