Her Boss

Mia put down the picture to its original place which her boss carry around every where in her luggage. She have seen this picture numerous times but still fail to recognise the boy whom her stoic cold boss used to adore so much.

Being able to bring smile on the face of devil is sure a big thing. Well its not like she dislike the behaviour of her boss because even she knew that in business world there were hundreds of hungry wolves waiting for her one mistake to pull her down in abyss.. but, she was worried as Amanda seems to have cut herself off from world. She neither have friends nor drink, smoke or go out clubbing which is quite common at her age.

Amanda only have one Mia around who at least can check on her daily and ask for well being, otherwise, she's all alone in the world. With her mom who went missing years ago and her dad, who was always has been busy in managing company, she got no one to rely on.

Lost in thoughts, she slowly prepares the coffee and ordered some light breakfast takeaway because they're running out of time for meeting.


Amanda steps out of shower all fresh like daisy bathed in dew as the dawn break. The familiar blush like Mia saw on the teenage girl in picture was adoring her supple cheeks. A blue bath gown with a small hand towel, she was rubbing her hair patting them occasionally.

Mia, currently awestruck with the beauty that just popped up in front of her, stood there with her mouth slightly open.

"Cough" Amanda got frustrate of the look her assistant giving.

'If not for her boyfriend she's so in love with, I would've assumed she got designs for me.' Amanda thinks as she was trying to understand the reason behind the creepy smile her assistant had on her lips.

"Get out." She said while securing her hemline to cover her boobs from the girl.

Mia finally come out of her pink bubble of GL ship and swamps away from her boss.

[A/N: If only she knew that her assistant already imagined kidnapping her and almost took her chastity….keke]


Amanda wears purple business suit her assistant prepared with long pants. As she was no fan of heels, she takes out a pair of short nude stilettos out of luggage.

Further, she blow dries her hair and curl the ends giving a proper finish. As for makeup she was not so fond of, a little blush and lip gloss with small compact ready in her bag.

After taking a last look of herself in mirror and complementing herself, she steps out of room. Mia approaches her again now with a long overcoat in arms with a tab and folder of documents. 'urgh..boss is back with cold face.' Mia whines in her thoughts for nth time while helping her boss with coat. Her fangirl heart couldn't take Amanda's expressionless face.

As they both makes a quick walk from hotel lobby to where her designated car was parked, Mia briefs Amanda her schedule of the day which was jampacked till midnight. A soft sigh escaped her lips as they settled down at backseat. Driver revered the car out of garage and Mia hands over breakfast to Amanda.

"Have you had yours?"

"Yes mam." Mia was again back to thanking god for giving her such good boss who ask for food every time she have hers.

Thoughout the way, Amanda was busy reading the documents while occasionally taking bite of bread.

As the car halted in front of the majestic headquarters of XYZ ent., Mia first came out of car and opens the door for her boss.

'Time to earn some money.' Amanda steps out with a sly smile dancing her lips. Powerful footsteps fall on cold marble as the heels did ticktock against it.

"Good morning mam!" Each one of people walking in lobby halts whatever they were doing to greet the boss. Well, they couldn't afford to lose their jobs. While, many of them had a look of pride because they knew Amanda was best executive one could have.

Soon her private elevator reaches the level where conference room was situated. Her father, the chairman and the final say of company called an urgent meeting yesterday so they all have to reach the room before going to respective offices.

'Let's start.' She said to herself pushing the door open.