WebNovelHis Woman13.33%

In The Gym

A man in mid 20s with ripped muscles, in tight shorts, naked upper body highlighting his abs and muscular thighs, was engaged in post workout session with his youngest bandmate, Peter.

He too, like his senior, was more of the heartthrob of country. Both the men were currently in middle of a small competition, like always, who can do more push ups than other. Peter, from always, is competitive by nature. He like to give it all to whatever task in hand so, a fierce battle was engaged between the youngest and leader. Kris, on the other hand, was giving pumping his muscles to not get defeated by someone younger to him. 156,157,158…..urgh….158..'

The room fills with grunts while the beads of sweat keep on poaring from them to concrete below.

"What happened Mr. Playboy? No more stamina left?" Kris said as he counts his 165th pushup.

"Hah! In your dreams. Its only because I did too many deadlifts earlier because of which my thighs are aching. Otherwise….Ah.."

"What happen? Are you okay?" Kris stops to take a look to his younger brother.

"Nothing much. Looks like my body can't take it anymore." Peter said as he sprawls on floor beside Kris.

"Aishh…I told you not to overexert yourself. Get on your feet and sleep already. Today's session is over." While holding his arm and getting up.

"Pot calling the kettle black."

"What!" Kris stopped in his tracks and shots a confused glance at Peter.

"Yes. Who is the person in room who's working out for almost 3 hours while he should be sleeping right now."

"No. don't tell me its your way of curing the weariness of the day. I saw earlier you were dead tired after the photoshoot and even was about to sleep in car." Peter scolds Kris for his gymholic nature.

As he saw Kris hesitating, Peter got a glitch that something is fishy.

"Brother! I know something is up. Please share with me. Don't tell me its related to the nightmares from before!!!" Peter got really worried for him.

"It's not like that Peter." Kris said alarmed by the way Peter is aware of his nightmares.

"Its okay if you don't want to tell me. You all never did. I'm still a kid for y'll." Peter said sulking by the way he got babied by them all the time. It's not their fault though, they always thought of Peter as their youngest and took care of him as their most precious possession. But sometimes forget the fact that even he's now adult and can help them like man.

Kris was now in a dilemma.

'Aishh this boy is now mad.' He saw his pouty face. 'Says a boy who never grew up.'

He chuckles.

Peter huff loudly and marches out of room as if saying, 'I'm going to complain about to you to momma.'

"Don't forget to eat baka." Kris chides loudly at the retreating back of Peter.

"Ah, this kiddo is so cute." Kris chuckled and turns back to start smashing the punching bag.