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Demons Of Past

On their way out, they saw Peter standing near the water dispenser in kitchen unwrapping his tattooed arm slowly.

"He seems a little lost? Doesn't he?" Jimmy whispers in Nick's ears.

"Yo Pete!! Watcha doin kiddo?" Nick said trying to break the ice.

Peter got little startled and turns around.

"My heart almost got burst. Are you both ghosts?" Peter said placing a hand on his fast-beating heart, ignoring the fact that they called him kiddo yet again.

Both of them chuckles at his frightened puppy like behaviour.

"Says a 'man' who never once winced when his whole arm got tattooed." Jimmy said obvious of the fact how much pain that damn machine does. Surprisingly, the boy whom they thought will run away at the sight of needles got his whole white arm covered from knuckles up to shoulder.

"You seem to forget, that whole day Brian fed him food as he couldn't even lift his hand." Nick said trying to tease youngest again.

They saw that Peter still was a little pale. That worried them.

"Are you okay brother?" Nick asked cautiously as he got genuinely worried of his behaviour.

"No. It's nothing about me." Peter was unable to comprehend the problem to them.

As if silently agreeing, they both took each arm of his and lifts him up.

"Wait. What. I can walk. Put me down you both." Peter exclaims in shock.

After a short walk they went to dining room and put him down.

"You're quite heavy." Jimmy said wiping little sweat he got on his forehead.

"And untidy. You should shower asap." Nick said clutching his white tee which got wet because of Peter's sweat.

"Here comes younger ones." Brian said, already on his seat of head of table.

"Let's start." Said Blake as he uncovers lids of pots.

Everybody took their respective chairs then they notices a vacant seat.

"Where's Kris?" John asks after ensuring who is missing.

As Peter heard John, he broke out of stupor.

"Yes, Kris is not okay. " Everyone turns to him a little panicked. Suddenly the lively room turned quiet. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and turned to Peter asking for explaination.

"What happened to him?" Brian, the only calmed one asked.

"I don't know. He's too disturbed. I tried to ask, but he didn't tell me" Peter said worried by the way he was behaving.

Brian took a glance towards the gym and asked, "Is he still in there?"

"Yes." As they heard soft sounds of punching.

"Let him be." Blake said.

"I agree." John nodded.

All others too agreed but Peter was still disturbed.

"But why? Shouldn't we ask him what's matter?" Peter asked to Brian.

Blake stood up from chair and went towards Peter's chair to calm him down.

"He's emotionally vulnerable right now. None of us can help him right now. Just let him be." Blake said analysing the situation. He has been roommates with Kris for almost 3 years so he knew partly what he's been going through.

"But why? Did something happened to him? How can we help him?" Peter asked.

Blake shook his head and said, "Yeah something did happen to him. But it's not present. Its his past which sometimes bit him back and torment him."

"The demons of past are something no one in this world can help someone with." Voiced John.

"Whenever he got drunk, he speaks something gibberish and then sleep. I think its related to it." Nick said his thoughts aloud.

"Anyway, you all have dinner. I'll go talk to him and don't forget to wash dishes." Brian said while patting Peter's head and exits the room.