WebNovelHis Woman56.67%

Heart Break (I)

[A/N:- Get ready with your tissues T^T]

Amanda take out her phone again to admire the post workout selfie Kris posted. Though, only his upper half was visible, his alluring collarbones, buffy chest and Greek-God face made it difficult for her to breath.

She then scrolls down the comments, filled with unholy comments.

{A/N:- Did I marked the warning in novel?}


'So hawwt'

'I'm gasping ahgsdsiuedowengdscas'

'F*k that sando got in way'

'Those sweat beads…*faints*'

'I wish to be that towel behind, etc.

Ignoring the jealousy that almost cause her to wreak whole room, she comments in bold letters…'PAP*I'

A reply came immediately from a fan.

'This fandom doesn't even know what's loyalty. @BriansCupCake028 is lusting over Kris..tsk'

'I belong to him only duh.' Amanda commented and switches back to her original blue tick account. Though, there were no picture of hers, but her identity as MD of XYZ Ent. Helped her gain thousands of followers.

"I really need sleep." She said as she opens the secret room in office that was groomed like a house and entered the dreamland.


It's been few days since Amanda was acting weirdly to Kris. Today, Kris have planned to tell her that finally their dream is coming true. Kris was about to debut as a leader of boy band.

He was hurrying over to her house on old bicycle. He even purchased a small matching pendant and a bouquet of red roses with all the savings he saved from last month.

'Now, I can earn a decent amount to give her all the comfort and fulfil her dreams.' He mused as he peddled towards her home with a wide smile on his face.

He parked the bike in front of a humble house in old neighbourhood where Amanda resides with her mother. Skipping steps on his way, he stood in front of house and rang the bell.

Door opened and a girl in late teens stood there in school uniform. Her soft locks in high ponytail and heart shaped face void of any makeup.

Kris immediately embraced her and inhaled her natural fragrance. It finally calmed him. The excitement of day was too much to handle and his parents live in another town so she was the only one he could've sought to tell.

'Yes, she's, my home.'

In this excitement he failed to notice that his always bubbly and full of life girlfriend is too pale and thin than last time they met. Because he was too busy for last few days, he couldn't contact her or ask for wellbeing.

"Where's aunt Amy?" he asked as he took his seat on long couch in middle of room.

"She's out to bring groceries." She lied through gritted teeth.

"Uhm. okay. I want to tell her with you but guess, I'll tell you first." Kris said with sparkling eyes as he presented the pendants and roses to her.

"You…why you spend so much money on gifts? Have you eaten?" she finally got some colour on face as she got worried for him.

"It's okay dear. I saved for this." He said cradling her on his lap.

"There's something I need to tell you." Kris and Amanda said simultaneously.

"You go first." Amanda asked Kris because her news gonna damp his good mood.

"Okay fine. I will."