WebNovelHis Woman76.67%


Amanda watch as her father debates with himself. He stood there, clenching and unclenching the fist.

"Don't worry dad. No one will be able to harm me. I'm not the same girl I used to be." She takes her father's aged hands in hers, patting it slowly.

Alexander let out a soft sigh as he turns his gaze away from Amanda's eyes.

"You've grown up better than I deserve."

After a short pause he said, "I know security will do a good job but try to be as discreet as possible. There's something you need to know. But not now. I'll explain everything to you when you will be back."

Amanda throws a confused glance at her dad which he swiftly dodges.

"I want you enjoy your life rather than living in huge shackles I've been living for years. Try to give yourself some time. There is still time for you to grow grey locks like this old man. Forgive your irresponsible dad for all the negligence."

Amanda finds her eyes growing a layer of mist as she wipes them. She couldn't control the gush of emotions and hugs her father.

Alexander wobbles a little and then, leans in too, to pour the emotions.

'I always from know something was up. The mom's disappearance was not normal as it seemed. Don't worry dad, I'll help you uncover the truth.' Amanda vowed as they stand there for some more time.

"Just remember one thing, I love you and always did. More than anything in this world." Alex pats her shoulder pouring his emotions.

After sometime of collecting herself, she bid him goodbye to meet Mr. Cho.


"Its morning already!" James whines as he threw his head back, pulling quilt closer to cover head.

He felt something or rather someone trying to strangle him.

"Oof…. huff." The quilt along with the large limbs pulls him down.

'Am going to die single? Mom save me! I will stop fooling around and settle as monk. Please don't kill me. The ice cream I purchased last week, still hidden from the food monster, Peter, is in the shelf. For its sake…..wooooof.'

"Huff.." James finally got some air in his lungs. He removes the quilt and detangles himself from human koala.

"This punk…ash…I'll kill him today…urgh…..wake up you devil." James shook Nick who was still in dreamland.

"Who's playing this loud girl band music early morning!!" James screams covering his ears.

"Its past noon not early morning dearie." John says in sweet as 'extra sweetened coffee' voice and resumes dancing on girly choreo.

"Why the hell are you dancing and what's up with this weird short. Don't you feel cold? Wait a minute… why are you dancing in Brian's room?"

"One question at a time." John again said in sing a song voice.

"Urgh... tell us why you are dancing. That too so weirdly?" Nick asked, rubbing his bleary eyes.

"Morning Jimmmmmmmyyyyy" Nick said with a foolish grin etched on his handsome face.

"Aish.. you mouth stink. Go brush your teeth fool." James scrunches his nose in annoyance.

"I'm here as your morning alarm fairy. Isn't I look angelic?" John praises himself, cladded in swimming shorts with naked upper body, as he twirls in a very elegant way.

"Woah….so beautiful" James and Nick give him a couple of claps.

"Thank you so much for appreciation gentlemen." Suddenly, his face contoured in anger as he shouts,

"Now drag you're a*ses and come down to eat. We are waiting for you both on brunch." John tied himself up and left the room, leaving Nick and James in shock.


Few hours earlier,

10 am ET

The bungalow where 7 wonders stay, seems too peaceful to be real. All of them were in a deep slumber.


The sound of soft alarm woke up Peter. It was time to give food for dog family.

Bam, Tan, Mickey, Monie were standing at the foot of bed wiggling their tails and tongues dangling in excitement.

Peter threw the quilt on Brian who was sleeping with mouth open and shirt open.

"Maybe he felt hot." He comments, not knowing it was because of him who was clinging on Brian, he threw open his shirt in annoyance.

Holly too joined the troop as they march towards their kennel.

"Ahh…my head resemble a bird nest." Peter whines as he watches them eating happily.

It was his daily routine to give food Bam at this time but knowing that his elders are too irresponsible to give them food on time, he took the mission to feed dogs in morning.

After few minutes, when they finish, he put them back in kennel to play around before it was time to play with them.