WebNovelHis Woman90.00%

Found You (I)

Row of black vans pass through the dark roads, followed by cheers of fans and paparazzies.

The airport was flooded with fans even during this late at night. Screams and fan chants everywhere, dying for at least one glance from their favourites.

Finally, the door of the middle most opened.

First one to step out was Brian. Dressed in brown trench coat, crisp white shirt underneath, accompanied with grandpa sandals, he was looking like a CEO of some multinational company. He gave a confident smile to his fans and even passed the signature flying kiss through his masked face.

One by one each of the heartthrobs stepped out, flaunting their expensive accessories and bowing to the cameras.

John, who was wearing a denim jacket, with a grey hoodie underneath with a pair of grey sweatpants follow.

Blake was wearing a grey tee with denim jeans. To complete outfit, he put a long military print jacket.

James was wearing a green turtleneck covered by a black trench coat. He completes his outfit with a black LV belt closing it.

While Nick was wearing a pair of brown lose pants with a blue shirt.

Each of them wore different fashion, all according to their comfort.

"Oh my god. So handsome." Fans squealed when Peter stepped out.

His outfit consist of a black leather jacket, a bucket hat and a skinny black jean giving him bad boy yet an aesthetic vibe. His high ankle, long military combat boots along with fluffy hair did wonders to fans around them.

"Gosh fans are scary." Peter let out a sigh he was holding for long as soon as they reach near the VIP area.

{A/N: - Enough of drooling, now back on story}

"It'll take 15 minutes for crew to get ready." Their manager informed as he leaves the room.


"I'll be back." Kris left the room to attend the call from his dad.

"Yes papa…" He was talking to his dad about his trip while searching for washroom.

"Found it."

He bid his dad goodbye and follows the signs to find a deserted washroom in VIP longue.

Ignoring the weird emotions in his heart, he marches towards the hallway of the washroom while scrolling through their schedule.


Suddenly he was hit by a soft body and the scent of jasmine cologne fills his nostrils.

"Ahh" He hears a muffled voice of female as he tries to get away.

'God please no obsessive fans.'

He tired to push her back but lost his footing and both bodies fell on the ground.

"God that hurts." Kris mumbles as the weight of lady falls on him.

Just then, his eyes met with a beautiful pair of doe eyes which were boring holes in him.

As if staring at each other's souls, both gets lost in each other's eyes.

'So pretty. Wait. Have I seen them before?' Kris eyes hold confusion while her eyes hold shock.

Kris caught hold of her waist when they fall while Amanda's hands rest on his chest.

After a few moments have passed with them laying on ground, they heard sound of somebody's feet.

Panic gush over in her head as Amanda tried to get up.

Because of slippery floor and without some support, her heels didn't allow to get back on feet.

She pressed her palm on Kris' stomach and tried to stabilize her heel.

"Ooof." With a muffled squeak, he slipped back on Kris, again crushing the poor guy underneath.

Kris woke from a reverberation when he felt a pair of soft lips falling on his.


Time stopped. Two pair of masked lips were connected as their eyes remained lock with each other.

Both froze while their legs remain tangled.

Suddenly, Amanda feels something pocking her thighs while Kris felt her soft blossom, pressing on his rock-hard chest.

Both of their faces grew red of embarrassment while they hear a voice, "Mam... Are you done?"

Mia asks from the hallway wondering what is taking too long for her boss.

Amanda, who have long recognised the voice, hurriedly tied up herself and ran away from Kris.

"What just happened." Kris sat there with a dumbfound look on his face.

"Is she…?"


Brian just stepped out to buy some shakes from the machine nearby when he heard sound of heels clacking nearby. He turns his head in the direction and saw a girl..no goddess.

Clad in yellow sundress with her long hair left untied, she looks youthful, but the pair of sharp eyes and tall posture gives her a strong and matured charm.

Amanda was adjusting the mask while hurrying towards the VIP longue, when Brian caught a look of her angelic face.

Brian felt the shake in his hand slipping away, dirtying his shoes, but he was not in mood to care less about them.

"I think…. I think. I'm in love." Brian murmurs as his eyes were busy registering the beautiful scenery in front of him.

He remained standing there even when his assistant came beside him.

"My heart…its beating fast."

Brian put his hand to his chest as an unfamiliar gush of emotions fills his heart.

Little did they knew; their fate is going to be messy and tangled in coming future.