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The Show Stealer

After a whole day of sleeping and goofing around of the day they land in Paris, peter and Brian were in middle of rehearsing and warming up before they're going on stage.

Today, the boys are attending one of the most prestigious awards shows of the music industry.

After a whole hour of flaunting their fashion on red carpet, the members settled down in one of VIP lounges with the help of their assistants.

As one of the living legends of the industry, they deserve well to be the part of VIPs where veteran artists of the industry reside.

Like any other award show, they got loads of fans screaming their lungs out from the moment they step out of the luxurious vans.

What different today was that the most chaotic duo of the band, Brian and Peter were invited as the special MCs of the night.

They are famous for goofy energy and fun-loving persona, so the company decided to cash their ability which fans obviously liked. The two have the superpower to lighten up the tense atmosphere and act as the ice breaker with a few antics or just by pinching each other.

Brian persuaded the stylist in dressing them accordingly. According to him, they should look part of band but also have different vibes. After racking the brains out and ruining precious sleep, they decided to go with identical blue blazers with different shirts beneath.

Brian chose white, wide collar shirt. He opted not wearing a tie and left a few buttons open, to show off the silver chain beneath.

While peter kept it classy with black button-down shirt with a red tie. They both looked polar opposites but also similar to each other.

After persuasion of Brian, the styling monster, Peter let lose the tie and open a few buttons of his shirt while his shirt slightly untucked. The ruggish look along with charming tattoos on his hands gave him a bad boy look.

Satisfied, they step up on the stage.


On the other side, Amanda settles down in her new penthouse arranged by Mr. Cho while Mia was busy setting up her office. The incident on airport gave her chills when she saw the airport look of Kris.

'So, we actually kissed.'

After a whole night of overthinking, Amanda put back thoughts of Kris and decided to focus of the work in hand.


Waving happily to the crowd, the rest of members took their seat below the stage, while Brian and Peter moved to the mic stage at the end of the stage.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Here's Brian Foster greeting you all." Brian gave a confident smirk to camera while bowing a little to the crowd.

When the howls of the crowd grew cold, Peter took his mic and addressed the crowd.

"And here's Peter Chivers greeting the glamourous ladies." Peter copied his older and smirk to camera while blowing a kiss to the crowd.

"We are both here to welcome you all for the grand celebration the 65th annual award ceremony..."

Though it was first time for both of them to act as co host and be the welcomer of such a big award ceremony, but with the help of each other and the jokes they passed that made everyone in the crowd laughing till their stomach ache, made them more confident in themselves.

After the 30-minute break was announced, they exited the stage to join their band.

After an hour it was the time for them to perform. They danced in magical way and switched to smoking hot form for rest of songs. Well, many girls seven fainted when Peter decided to rip off his poor shirt, giving the crowd whole view muscles and tattoo.

7ELE1 was the show stealer.