3. Sauce Pan...?!

Seeing his wife was in her deep sleeping, he got up and straightening things at messed including his wife's blanket where she lay asleep. Somehow he could not really free himself from the reliance on the cell phone. It was understandable since his huge responsibilities were so much connected with that smart phone.


[ Sir! ]

[Do you still remember my mansion at sky tower?]

[Sure, it was the place where we hid for some time in that escape] it was meaning when Herry started earning trusts from Wenceslas's successor to help him looking for his wife that was hidden by the family.

[Bring me my suits]

[I will, Sir]

[But remember, don't just pick up any suits!]

[The same colors from top to toe] on the other end, the bodyguard nodded as if to make sure he would not make a mistake again in picking up outfits for his boss which as a matter of fact he never did the right thing, Hendra always found it the wrong pairs. Picking up seven different things in harmony in the eyes of the young master of Wenceslas was not an easy job at all.

[I will do my best, Sir] Herry felt unsure [Is there any other thing I can do for you?]

[Bring me as well the documents I need to look through, especially the most urgent ones . I still can't make it to be at office this morning. Perhaps I will be there after lunch time]

[Can I just check it to secretary Nana, right??]

[Yes, please do. But don't tell anyone about my present place, not even to Nana]


[Three boxes of breakfast; for me, for my wife, and for you]


The next second, he went back to the sleeping wife, and kissed her face. Then he made the second call while leaving out the room.

Faintly, the woman in bed who looked sleeping was eavesdropping the talk. Mahendra's calls were closely connected with a man named Thomas whose name was mentioned several times by Aruna's husband. She concluded that Hendra asked the man named Thomas to check his stocks that were coming to his targets

[Take it all now!], [Ask him to resign], , [Ah' I am glad they are cooperative now]

It was undeniable that Aruna's mind was so much intrigued by Mahendra's talk, especially it was so similar to the contents of brown envelope belonged to Rey.

The woman who did not deserve the title Miss anymore since she had passed the first night with her husband got up from her bed for the second time. Her long hair was let loose over her pajamas. She walked more confidently because she noticed it was not that painful in her most private part, was not like the previous time.

Aruna sat down in front of a mirror, looking at herself more closely from the time Hendra dried up her hair and brushed it. She was stunned to notice some marks left by her husband, they were too visible. It was not the first mark he made over here. In their first honeymoon, Hendra did it quite brutally with all his bites and she had no choice but was forced to do that.

She smiled and put her head down out of embarrassment. She preferred the reds now than the ones from her honeymoon. When she looked at the mirror again and blinked her eyes, she knew she was happy, so much happy.

It was a dilemma, to either keep her curiosity over her husband or to bury all of them and enjoy her happiness.

When she finally decided to walk out of the room, she found her husband hurriedly put down his phone, "Sweetheart, you woke up already?" He turned off his mobile screen as he saw his wife went out from the room.

It seemed he turned off the phone abruptly because soon after that the phone rang again anf someone named Thomas was on the screen, he called again. But the call was ignored.

"Yeah," Hendra stood up and walked to her instantly. She walked slowly and awkwardly as if to look confused and incoherent again when her eyes fell on his 'part' completely last night.

Aruna blew out her breath hard as if to get rid of her naughty mind. Her mind suddenly made up full of filthy improper imagination that time. As he reached her, he lifted up her chin and kissed her lips lightly.

_Huh!_ she felt uneasy. She could have a heart attack too early if he treated her so sweetly like this.

"Y.. You have a phone call," Aruna pushed him, looking into his eyes then to the phone ringing on the other direction.

"Leave it!" Wiro's grandson smiled, locked up his wife who looked awkward and shy. "Ughh…looking at you like this can make me lose my mind instantly, want to do 'that' again like last night," He erected his body posture and shuffled her hair.

Aruna smiled. It was not only her got awkwardness and uneasiness. They both did.

Hendra walked away. "Put on your yesterday clothes. Don't wear this sleeping gown again," He commanded her again. "What is taking Herry so long to reach here?!" he grumbled angrily.

"Hon.. honey…are you..?" She was unable to continue her words. She stopped walking and found her husband looking upset for unspecific reason

"Stop! Don't stay close!" He cut her words short.

"What is wrong with you?" Aruna got confused.

"I told you not to come closer to me!"

"I am just asking, where have you put my clothes? Did you put it somewhere?" she was still wondering.

"Wait! Are you going to wear that bridesmaid outfits?" his expression was unreadable but not nice to see.

"Yeah, that is all I have with me,"

_No other clothes, not even the foot gears_ she murmured to herself.

"I guess it will give the same effects," His pupil grew wider and several times he glanced at her secretly and bit his lower lip

"Effect??" She did not really understand what her husband talked about his present emotional desire. He was holding his desire to jump on the woman in front of him.

"The point is, go and hide yourself in the bedroom until Herry comes with our breakfast," that was him, like to give commands of his like and . but Aruna got used to it now, got used to with his odd requests that sometimes sounded nonsense to her mind but when he wanted something he used implicit messages or gestures. They ever lived together for quite long time and he did not change a bit.

"is Herry bringing my clothes too? Can I ask for foot gears, please?" Aruna looked at him, questioning look.

"No," He answered that shortly. Her eyebrows were taunted, a signal she did not like being neglected, especially dealing with her needs.

"I did it on purpose," He grinned, then chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

"It is my intention not to prepare all your needs,"

"YOU?! You have such filthy mind!?" Hendra laughed out loudly. Aruna hurriedly ran to the bedroom and she slammed the door behind her.

"But I will not forget the next energy intake," He spoke loudly while banging the sofa happily. He felt over the moon for making his woman's face red with embarrassment.

Hendra loved Aruna's behavior, playing hard to get.

That smile face on Java-England man suddenly composed to level or expressionless when he reached his mobile phone and checked the messages listed on the screen. He was back to business like face

[Hendra, I have ordered some decorations for our engagement party]

[Opss, sorry,(happy emoji) I prefer to call your inauguration as the Director President our engagement]

[How is that? Do you likeit?] She sent some messages and some pictures of decorative concepts at Wenceslas Rits Auditorium.

That man gripped his phone tight and thought over.

After a moment he replied the messages. [Casual style, I want that concept. Change them all] it was more a command, not a request.

Right after he just finished texting, someone passed by in front of his eyes, a barefoot woman had put on pink bridesmaid gown. She walked fast to the pantry of that mansion without saying anything that that man.

She opened the big refrigerator and turned around quickly. "There is even no water to drink here?" Aruna lifter her hands and shrugged her shoulder, feeling defeated. She looked so much funny.

Hendra threw his mobile phone to the sofa. He ran nimbly to the daughter of Lesmana daughter. She could not even manage to think 'what he would want' from her, he already reached her.

In no time she had already found herself in his arms. He hugged her tight and pushed his tongue to her mouth, his lips crushed hers and gave no chance for her to breathe. The kiss was ended with a push.

"Your saliva cannot satisfy my thirst," she wiped her lips.

"I love you," Wiryo grandson confessed his heart wholeheartedly.

"Your love statement will not also help satisfy my thirst," She ran her eyes around the pantry.

"The sauce pan, do you have it?" was her next question.

"Sauce pan! Sauce pan!..." someone was panting for the sauce pan to get. He searched all the cabinet and cupboard in that pantry.


The book [Mr CEO's Beloved Wife] is the season III from the book [Stealing The Wife's First Kiss] season I and [One A CEO Wife] season II. If you want to read it in chronological order, you can start reading it in season I [Stealing The Wife's First Kiss] then [One A CEO Wife] season II. Moreover, the novel [Mr CEO's Beloved Wife] can be enjoyed independently because it presents different conflicts.
