13. Wings Behind the Back 

An incident that no one could predict.


That bomb was exploded so hard that it was heard from the ground floor, but not on the floors upper it. Walls and floors were shaken. In a moment some people thought it was an earthquake on a certain scale.

And automatically without being commanded, all guards were panicked like crazy in searching their young master. Without too much talking, they evacuated Mahendra from the corporate secretary room. The workers who worked overnight were stunned to what had happened that night.

All the guards made sure all the employees went home right after that incident. Hendra was very upset because they made decision without confirming to him. But after one of them explained what was going on in the basement, he got speechless.

Then he started thinking the ways to evacuate all the hotel guests who were likely to sleep without creating any panic among them.

Some guests occupying the lower floor looked panicked and went out of their rooms. But those who were staying in higher floor felt insignificant shakes from that tragedy.

Wasting no time, Hendra asked for explanation from those who were on D floor. He needed to make sure all of them were safe.

Soon he got information that some people were injured, Raka and his team. They were trying to check and fix the light directly. Evacuation team was quickly sent to work fast to give them first aid minimize the victims.

Vian's room suffered the most damaged. It was devastated and the main lift not far from that room was automatically out of the function. In a moment Hendra was thinking about how to get out of that floor safely.

Fire was outraged down there and Hendra was wondering how to put out that fire. And he and thank goodness he got very good news. Vian's room was directly protected by a special system built by Wiryo's brilliant idea and Riswan's out of the box design.


Rectangular heat-resistant and crack-resistant was originally designed for roofs was later functioned as a cover to spots the source of the problem. It is in line with the blockade system that utilizes a special controller from D floor, a special room that provides big data analysis, was in the hand of Pradita. He managed to activate the water droplets from the roof of Vian's room. Water immediately poured into the hot spots that cause fire.

Less than 20 minutes, all chaotic situations were handled. No one could predict what would happen next. Hendra urged all his guards who were responsible for him to take him out through an alternative passage he never knew before.

Since Hendra knew D floor, he knew how crazy his grandfather was and ow big his responsibilities in the future. He never imagined how to control such huge business truly without the supports from the underground movement which he thought was beyond his logic. Never ever did he think or imagine it.

In the business world, it is such normal situation one reaches the top utilizing such ways. Believe it or not, monopolists have wings behind their backs. And they are very good at making crazy moves to make their companies even more powerful. One of the easiest ways is to take part in the power process of forming a power structure[1].

It was not known how long ago the values of Wenceslas Group were established. What Hendra had learned in an educated mission and vision that every employee worked under big wave of Wenceslas Group, there was a mission that inserted the value of company's independence and cleanliness.

Hendra never expected that the vision and mission would be realized in long term target by not joining in the forming of power structure. Wenceslas did not need it.

Wenceslas Grup has its own underground movements that make all its competitors thought over to shake it in a standard way, either domestic companies or foreign companies. This company has established its power its way. And it has been able to survive since 1928.



When the blue eye arrived at the place he wanted, he stood tall and looked at the moves of feet running out of that place. The place he was standing now was basement with a special door of the second tower belonged to Wenceslas Group or the building that was the center of every Wenceslas Group subsidiary, except Nara&TV.

Before reaching that place Hendra had called Vian, that thin faced man was now the most trusted person because it was his office that was on target, automatically any information from him would be the base of all facts collected.

Vian and his men were safe, and quickly he listed everyone of D floor who was on the spot when the incident took place. Everyone was suspected and they suspected each other. Even Hendra could not decide what the next step he needed to take.

In the midst of ambulance roar on the way taking the victims to the hospital, Andos, his grandfather's most trusted secretary, came. Andos met him and asked him to rest because the last person who saved that hidden floor, Pradita, had come out. Pradita, the IT leader, who was reported missing, finally managed to go out staggering and got the first aid immediately.

"It is okay, let me replace you. You have been working since in the morning," Andos tried to convince Hendra to rest. Instantly, Mahendra remembered someone.

_Oh, Aruna.. Aruna is waiting for me_ half running, he mumbled to himself. Herry ran right behind him. Then, that loyal guard opened the door for the young master.

"Where are we going, Sir?" asked him as he seated behind the drive. Two words 'my wife' were enough for Herry to speed up. It was not only due to the quietness of the street but also several times his master checked on his watch on his wrist.

"Two in the morning, oh my God.. Aruna must be asleep while waiting for me," the last time at ten at night and she sent her selfie in her enthusiasm and happiness. But now it was two hours behind the time he had promised. Hendra gave her calls to please the woman who had prepared dinner for him.

Once the car stopped at the driveway of that mansion, he hurriedly got out, even he forgey the bouquet he prepared for her. While taking off his suit, he keyed the password door, and he was stunned to see the scene there. Aruna was asleep on the dining table.

Hendra did not expect that his beautiful wife would still wait for him until this late at night. Aruna was leaning on the dining table, her hand was holding the cell phone. She did cook much for his dinner.

He stroke her hair before he finally sat down next to hat sleepy woman.

"Herry, help me to keep an eye on my wife after this,"

"Yes, Sir,"

"I don't know who to believe, I want you to be responsible for taking care of her," His words sounded so flat in Herry's ears.

"I will, Sir,"

"For your information, my wife is my only reason I still can stand until now,"

_The one who give me wings on my back_




[1] the power structure is the whole system that gives influence to an individual to another in a group of selected people. Power structure can be formally acquired and built to maximize certain values, such as fairness and efficiency, including certain importance of business.