24. Claws

"I'm here to eat, not to argue with you," Hendra began to be able to control his emotions. From learning how to respect women, he also learned the meaning of respecting elders. Although Wiryo is still with his character.



Now the blue-eyed man sat at the dining table. Over there, in a spacious kitchen, he catched Nana's figure who was busy organizing everything and preparing dinner.

Everyone seemed to be racing against time. That was because the sole heir, who was rarely found home, seemed to have been waiting for a meal. The household assistants and Nana didn't get that actually Hendra was also there on a limited time so he can get back quickly. Back to the angry girl who needs to be pacified as soon as possible.

Grandma Sukma just came out, she immediately mingled with the women in the kitchen and tasted some of the dishes that were almost ready to be served. Amidst the busy kitchen, people in the dining room could hear grandma's voice chatting with Nana cheerfully. Nana seemed to have held on to their heart, one by one.

Hendra heard the familiar beeping sound, his eyes quickly turned to something he was holding. Earlier before, when he just sat there, he asked Nana for his phone. As his secretary, she took care of Hendra's phone too. Soon after, that woman walked quickly back to her room.

As Hendra's phone was handed over, she asked, "Why didn't you change the wallpaper?" Hendra gave no answer, he merely looked at her briefly and then focused on clicking the smartphone screen.

[Babe, don't forget to eat. Okay?] Hendra was worried about his wife. This was a one way message he addressed to Aruna. He didn't need a reply.

A moment later, he sent another message to Herry, [Have you arrived at the mansion?]

[Oh, yes, Sir. I'll be heading there soon] Herry was still in the building that looks like a fairy tale castle.

[When you arrive, make sure my wife eats something. She was angry with me before. I'm afraid she won't come out of her room]

[Yes, Sir. I understand] Herry replied as he walked quickly to his car.



The atmosphere of the Wenceslas family's dinner was so calm, except for Grandma Sukma who tried to break the ice but it seemed to be in vain. She was only being responded to by Nana, while the others were silent.

Nana hurriedly took a plate and put rice on it, then some side dishes she helped to make. Feeling the amount was enough, she then pulled Hendra's plate, which was still turned facing down, and she replaced it with a plate full of food in her hand.

"What are you doing?!" Perhaps he was too harsh, but of course that signified Hendra's objection. Hendra snatched his empty plate back from Nana's right hand.

"Take it back ..." he rejected her 'kindness'.

"Hendra.." Grandma Sukma caught the small commotion of the two people in front of her, "Nana just wants to help you,"

"I don't need to be helped. Not with this," hearing Hendra's sentence, Grandma Sukma sighed, then moved her hand as if to whisper 'that's okay, just let him be' to Nana.

This girl pulled back the plate she had served to Hendra. Annoyed, Hendra took what food he wanted by himself. During working hours, this blue-eyed man might receive this kind of treatment, but not outside of it. Unfortunately, that was only the beginning of the chaos, because after the assistants replaced the dishes with desserts, the man who seemed to be in a hurry from the start and sat stiffly, started the real riot.

"Who arranged my engagement? I haven't said yes, you all have spread the invitations on your own," truly harsh this time, added with his raising voice. Even Hendra's eyes glanced sharply at Nana, he was intimidating. Moreover, Hendra was an educated and professional person at work, he never brought up his personal problems with Nana during their work.

"Ah ... don't you ..." Before Nana's doubtful sentence was finished, Grandma Sukma tried to mediate.

"We all have agreed, right? You must give us grandchildren immediately. And ... the best way is to let go of your wife first, Hendra," Grandma Sukma's peaceful voice sounded.

"Why should I give up? I-"

Hendra's sentence was also cut off by another person who spoke no less stiffly.

Who else? It was Wiryo, "It's because Lesmana's daughter is unable to return to this place anymore. And you have to give this family offspring! Can't your brain understand things as simple as that?"

"If you want it I can give it to you, without you controlling my whole life. You think I'm a robot whose everything must be programmed according to your wishes?" It was a shame Hendra had difficulty suppressing his anger. He began to raise his voice, loud, and sharp-mouthed when he was furious.

"Oh my God, Hendra ... we didn't mean it like that," Grandma Sukma began to worry.

"I'm sorry, Grandma, I really don't like your way this time," Sukma was surprised by Hendra's expression. No matter how rude, Hendra never once showed feelings of dislike or disgust in front of her directly.

Through all of that, Gayatri remained silent. Mahendra's mother had already guessed what would happen. This beautiful woman nonchalantly continued eating as if nothing had happened. It was Gayatri's way of supporting her son. It was difficult to understand from any point of view. But, that's how Gayatri's life and traumatic path had shaped her. She put the food in her mouth, casually eating her dinner.

"Haven't you realized? Lesmana's family put you down in the courtroom? They dare to trample on the dignity of the heir of Wenceslas?!" Wiryo glared at Mahendra.

"Haven't you opened your eyes yet? What they said was true," Hendra went against his grandfather's words, refusing to back down.

"But it wasn't the right thing when the workers who are appointed to be equal to brothers clawed their masters," Wiryo's word made the situation even worse.

"I didn't expect you to be so narrow-minded," Hendra almost called him 'Neanderthal', but he replaced it with 'narrow-minded' because he still remembered that person was someone who made him exist.

"That is a fact!" Wiryo's voice rose coldly.

"The truth is I have strangled their daughter, locked her in the bathroom for an entire day and night, have you forgotten that fact!!" hearing this Sukma covered her mouth with her right hand. The maids hastily approached to grab her, and they escorted the old woman back to the room.

Nana blinked her eyes repeatedly and sighed worriedly every time she heard Mahendra's words.

"You know what's worse than that?" The blue eyed man took a sip of the water in the glass and then put the glass down roughly, "I once forced her to fulfill my desire even though she said she didn't want to. Is there anything worse than that?" Hendra's harsh word broke Wiryo's argument regarding 'a subordinate who clawed at his masters'.