33. Dismissal Form

_I'm going to the courthouse to withdraw the divorce case before the witches strike again_

Her husband's voice broke her out of her thought, "Now, look into the mirror."

She was back to the mirror then, turning left and right to study her face.

"I know it's not 100%perfect, but it's definitely better than a certain angry woman's experimentation," he smirked.

Smiling reluctantly, "It's alright, I guess."

"It's okay if you want to hang out with Herry, I just need him to drive me to the office first," he asked, placing the make up kits back to their place in the drawer.

"Can't you ask anyone else?"

"I don't want anyone else to know I'm here with you," he moved behind her, bending slightly to fix his tie, which was perfectly fine in the first place, "I assume you don't want anyone to find it out too? Lest, we'll be ordered to move to the main house again."

Aruna nodded, and they left the mansion.



Herry parked the car in the hotel's lobby where Wenceslas Group's main office resided. On the back seats, Hendra was leaning in to kiss his wife when he opened the door for his boss.

Stepping out, Hendra called his name.

"Yes, Sir?"

"Make sure my wife eats lunch, she tends to forget."

"Yes, Sir," Herry said, turning his head away when his boss leaned down and bent over until half of his body was inside the car, kissing his wife's goodbye. Again.

The driver's very single heart was crying out loud at the displayed affection.


On the way out from the hotel, Aruna asked Herry to drive to the courthouse. Surprised, but he complied. From the rearview mirror hanging ahead, Herry was met with her anxious face.

Parking the car, he opened the back door and offered, "May I accompany you, My Lady?"

"You may," and the crease of her brows lessened ever so slightly.

Walking beside the lady boss, he caught her appearance from the corner of his eyes. Curiously, he asked, "Is there something special today?

Humming a little, she replied, "Not really."

"Oh," he mouthed, "I thought you had something special planned."

"Well, I have something special planned," she smiled, small and quick to disappear.

Mouthing another surprise, Herry added, "No wonder you look different."

"Do I? What's different?"

Herry gestured his hand around his own face.

"My face?" spontaneously, Aruna's fingers went to her cheek, "Do I look beautiful to you? Hendra applied my make up," she smiled, more freely this time as her cheeks heated up.

Widening his eyes in amazement, Herry's face then turned to frown, "I didn't know the boss can go this far."

He didn't know what to make of his boss now. On one hand, the boss was feared by many people, whether they were his own employees or his business rivals. On the other hand, beneath his cold and charismatic arrogance, there was the man who was more scared of his own tiny wife, who actually looks fragile and powerless. Stifling a smile, Herry shook his head to banish the thought about his boss.

Now, they were in front of the receptionist's desk of the courthouse. Aruna immediately asked how to dismiss the divorce suit actually applied by her brother. She was handed a copious form to file her wish. Pacing to the empty chair in the lobby, she slumped down, jutting out her lips as she focused reading the forms.

"Not as simple as I thought," she mumbled, unknowingly heard by her current bodyguard.

"How may I help you?" Herry prompted, finally caught up with the reason of why they were currently at the courthouse.

"At the very least, I have to submit this dismissal form today. So, I need you to drive me to places."

"Yes, My Lady," he happily complied.

The lady boss and her bodyguard headed to a bookstore.

"My Lady, is this the paper you need?" He brought up a pack of folio paper in his hand. A hundred sheets, written on the cover.

"I don't need that much" Aruna deadpanned.

"Just for backup if there's any possible mistakes."

True to Herry's words, she ended up with balled papers on the table. They piled up more as the minutes grew to hours. Good thing the café near the courthouse they were in was pretty comfortable.

"Argh! I don't know how to do it," Aruna suddenly grumbled, turning her face to the window for a change of view, then turned back to the bodyguard in front of her, "What's the reason shall I state here?"

Mulling it over his head, Herry looked at her with a serious face, "Because you like to kiss each other."

Face scrunched up adorably, the lady boss cided, "That's too vulgar. Also, be serious, please."

"Because you finally stay together and live happily ever after," Herry tried again, still with his silly ideas.

"That just sounded like I'm making it up," Aruna grumbled again. She eyed her neat writing on the paper before her.

Details of the parties involved.

Mahendra Hadyan Wenceslas, referred to herein as the "Husband" and Aruna Kanya Lesmana, referred to herein as the "Wife" agree that:

As per the divorce agreement dated _____ , they have agreed to divorce each other and live apart consequent to their marriage on the _____ and further developed issues between them. The two parties have agreed to part with mutual respect and have entered into their written agreement.

Divorce dismissal petition.

Consequently, the two parties decided to ask the court for an order dismissing the action of divorce between the husband and the wife. The moving party to the divorcee no longer wants the relief requested in _____ for the following reasons:

Both parties live together again. The husband loves the wife so much. And the wife finally notices that and returns the love of the husband. Moreover, the wife feels like husband grows to be more exceptionally handsome and is very loaded with money.

The legal relationship between the husband and the wife shall stand as it was documented in the marriage certificate. No party has been forced to sign this document and they are ready to give an oath to testify the correctness of this document.

Date and place: _____

Signature of the Husband _____

Signature of the Wife _____

After being cided with his silly ideas, Herry laughed at the written confession of his lady boss. Aruna's reasoning was more hilarious than his.

"Why are you laughing?" she threw him a side eyed glare, "I'm being real."

"Yes, I know … but …" he chuckled again. Herry thought that his boss had to read this.

'Moreover, the wife feels like husband grows to be more exceptionally handsome and is very loaded with money.' Surely, that would amuse the staff who read this.

"You seemed to be indifferent with money before. Why are you saying this now?" he teased.

"Because I will use his money to shop today," she said firmly, but then she read the forms she got from the courthouse again, "I have to figure it out first."

Leaning over, Herry pointed out, "Why don't we ask sir's lawyer? I'm sure he'll help with it, he was paid to."

Suddenly, Herry's face became the target of thrown balled up papers that were innocently piling up on the café table a second ago. The bodyguard sputtered, shielding his face from Aruna.

"Why don't you say so from the start? Ugh!"

Who wouldn't be annoyed by that? She was turning her mind inside out to figure the way to dismiss their divorce, starting over many written forms after mistakes she made. Turned out, there was a much easier way to approach this.

"I'm sorry, it just crossed my mind now," hands still in the air, he fearfully peeked. Sheepish.

"You and your boss are two peas in the same pod! Equally annoying today!"

Grimacing, Herry ducked his head.

"Take me to the lawyer's office then!" The usually polite lady boss was now as terrifying as the boss when he was angry.

"Yes, My Lady," Herry quickly complied, eyeing the fuming face of his boss' wife as she stormed out of the café.