35. Intuition

"Why are you sitting and not shopping, My Lady?"

Herry was watching the scenery before him. The high-end mall was not that crowded, but there were plenty of people on the third floor. The boss' wife was sitting on one of the benches strewn near the food court area. Slurping the plastic cupped drink in her hand, she was busy with her phone, seemingly uninterested with the colorful and elegant things showing on the displayed windows around them.

"You don't want to sit? Aren't you tired?" Aruna offered the empty space on the bench, as she sat on the edge of it.

"I'm sorry, but that would be impolite of me to sit right next to you, My Lady," Herry stated, standing beside the young woman who was currently stretching her legs.

"Are you sure?" she leered, teasing.

There was no response from Herry. But then, he didn't want to be still for so long, anyway. He looked at the lady boss who was still slowly drinking her iced tea.

"I'm still curious," he started, getting a humming sound from the young woman who didn't look up from the screen of her phone, "Why–"

"Herry look!" She cut him off, showing a picture of the same dress she saw in the boutique earlier, "Premium imitation with a minimum price, hehe."

"You shall not wear an imitation dress, My Lady. That is inappropriate for the wife of the Wenceslas Group's heir to use fake goods," Herry eyed the screen of her phone.

"Well, it's not right either to buy imitations. How about I buy one with a local brand but have the same quality?" Aruna wondered, "That will be cheaper still."

Herry seemed to suddenly have the responsibility to explain the dilemma of buying expensive goods for someone who usually didn't do that.

Herry finally sat at the other end of the bench, trying to open his lady boss' perception, "In my opinion, looking perfect as the wife of the young master is a must for you, My Lady. So, it's not a problem to buy expensive things if that's what you need."

"Hmm … if someone gave it to me, I don't have a problem with it. But, if I buy it myself, I feel guilty," she confessed, eyes roaming their surroundings where people dressed in nice looking clothes.

"I've heard about consumptive issues," Herry also didn't know where that came from. But, the boss forced him to read some books from the library in the main house. At least, now he knows a thing or two about what the boss usually talks about. Slowly, he said, "As long as it's still a necessity and not based on desire alone, buying expensive things is not considered consumptive."

"I didn't think that far, actually," Aruna threw a side eyed glance at Herry before looking down on her shoes. Seemingly reluctant, she continued, "Have you ever seen some tiny house on the outskirts?"

Herry nodded, listening carefully.

"The houses there are usually built under the highway road. Sometimes, they were made with discarded boards. When I have to buy things, my mind wanders back there and instead of buying very expensive things, I can use it to build them a decent house to live in. It's just sitting wrong in my heart, you know. Maybe, that kind of thinking is the result of the many volunteering acts I have done since I was young. Eh, I don't know."

Stunned, Herry studied her, proud of the young woman who was speaking gloomily beside him. It was quite strange when a wife was nervous spending her billionaire husband's money on her own.

Smiling gently, Herry confessed, "Now, I finally understand why sir is so attracted to you. He even said there is no woman as beautiful as his wife."

"You just want to cheer me up, don't you?" Aruna pouted, "Be honest … don't pretend that secretary Nana is no more beautiful than me. Moreover Tania. Oh my, I don't even know how to use an eyelash curler."

"I'm being honest. Truly. Because I don't talk about your look alone, My Lady. Neither was the young master, it seemed," he stated, trying to assure the lady boss who was being moody since this morning.

"Ugh, I don't want to talk to you anymore," she got up then, "Your flattery will get you nothing."

She left without any more words. Of course, the well-built bodyguard was quick to catch up with her hurried steps.

So was someone wearing an army hat who had followed them in the shadows since the morning Herry drove out of the Wenceslas Ritz hotel.


The blue eyed man was holding a small cylindrical object in his hand, looking carefully with furrowed brows.

A saleswoman opened a sample product for him, "It's a beautiful color for the lady over there," she pointed to the woman who was busy choosing some cosmetics a little farther apart.

"Oh," Hendra's answer was almost inaudible.

The saleswoman then rubbed the lipstick on the back of her hand, showing the color when it was applied on skin to Hendra, "Doesn't it look good, Sir?"

"I want to buy it for my wife, not my secretary," he said, a little curtly.

The saleswoman was quick to understand. Smiling apologetically, she tried to hide her embarrassment.

"Which do you think is the most suitable for her?" Hendra showed the screen of his phone. It displayed a picture of his wife.

Instantly, the saleswoman became excited, "Classic Matte is the most natural Dior product. The rosy pink color is perfect for your wife. She looks young and her beauty is so natural, I think it will suit her the best, Sir."

Hendra was pleased to hear that. Enthusiastically, he confirmed, "Is that so?"

"Classic Matte is a universal color. I think it can be worn by anyone, regardless of skin tone. So, yes, it will suit her perfectly, Sir."

He nodded, gesturing for the saleswoman to pack it up. He pointed to another lipstick, a bright red one. He liked the color. In the end, the blue eyed man spent more time consulting on various other cosmetics before he bought many of them from there.


"Hendra, I want these," Nana brandished her bright smile as she placed five things she picked earlier on the cashier table.

"Please pack it up as well," Hendra said, "Oh, and in a separate bag, thank you."

Nana was surprised to find the package Hendra was carrying. The bag in his arm contained more make up kit and cosmetics than the one he bought for Nana. It didn't end even there. He went to the outlet next door to look for similar items.

"Who are you buying these for?" her voice was laced with worry that suddenly rotted in her heart.

"My wife," Hendra light;y said.

Nana truly wanted to spill her rage. Alas, it was not her place. She couldn't do anything about that.

_Did he finally conquer the girl's fear?_

The thought was running rampant in her mind. Nana merely gulped down her uneasiness at that.


"Why are you buying this many toys, My Lady?" Herry was puzzled, finding himself carrying large bags in both hands.

"I don't know …" Aruna honestly said, she was only following her intuition, "I have a schedule to teach later. Can you take me there?"

"Of course, I can, My Lady. Why are you even asking?" Herry's brows were raised ever so slightly.

"How will Hendra come home then?"

"Are you seriously forgetting that the boss has a lot of cars and drivers he can always ask every time, My Lady?"

"But, earlier he said that no one should know the mansion we live in, except you."

"Ah, that's right," he sheepishly nodded.

The pair of lady bosses and the bodyguard walked briskly towards the elevator. However, the young woman's steps abruptly stopped.

"Why did you stop …" Herry drones off, following his lady boss' line of view.

A pair of handsome men and a pretty woman were coming out of a famous branded cosmetic outlet. Walking side by side. Both of them were carrying their shopping bags.