38. A T-shirt

"You've done playing?" A soft and familiar voice called out to Hendra.

He was unaware of being watched by her. Rubbing the back of his damp neck, Hendra grinned at his wife who sat on one of the benches near the courtyard. His pace quickened, almost running to her side. Opening his arms wide, he went to hug his wife.

"Don't!" Aruna complained, shoving away his hands that almost touched her shoulders. She walked away.

"Are you still angry?"

"No," she turned her head, looking at Hendra from the top of his hair to his feet, sweaty, smelly, and of course, covered in dust, "Wash up first."

"Ah," Hendra roamed his eyes around, finding some water faucets in the corner of the courtyard. A kid just left from there, so Hendra quickly marched towards it. Thoroughly washing the dirt and sweat away from his face, hands, and feet, he suddenly remembered that he left his shoes and suit jacket somewhere.