51. Rebranding Unicorn

Rey, accompanied by a proud smile from Gibran, came forward to present his success in acquiring a company that had quite a number of online application channels, and was promising to be a stepping stone for Tarantula to survive in the years to come.

Anantha's company that he had been targeted for the last two years, today would begin to be utilized massively to prove the idea that had been proposed by Gibran. 

It was related to reducing budget consumption to smooth the project by taking part in the power structure. Choose to develop a new, more promising business to face the wave of the new generation, the millennials. Just like CEO Djoyodiningrat who used his leadership period to fulfil the value of an 'independent company'. Sturdy, strong and could move freely according to the capacity and quality.

Gibran was getting closer to realizing his dream. He had been more passionate about his work in the last few months.
