74. Baby in Her Womb

Dea left with Surya after one of them made a call to Mahendra. Dea waved her hand to Aruna, who then fell asleep not a minute later. When Aruna opened her eyes again, the room was bathed in very dim light, almost dark. 

_Why is it so dark here?_ Aruna muttered in her heart. she decided to grab her bag and choose to quickly get out of there. Before she reached the door, the dim light was extinguished into total darkness. Instantly, she realized that there was something wrong. 


She ran.

Too bad, the door was locked. Surprisingly, there was the sound of shoes stepping on the floor approaching from behind. Not a moment longer, the closing footstep reached Aruna and resulted in a pained yelp.

Aruna's hair was pulled back harshly. She tried to hold her ground. The fingers from both of her hands grabbed the door handle of the design project room as she screamed for help. her head was throbbing heavily. But she wouldn't lose.