89. Bitter Coffee & Starless Night

She placed her lips against his, tongue brushing on his lips, asking for entrance and then played with him when he gave her. Her right hand crept up, slipping in the back of his head, raking his dark brown hair. And slowly, she tugged on the handkerchief covering his eyes.

"Ah!" surprised, he closed his eyes again, enjoying her deep kiss. 

"I'm not as bad as you think," Aruna said after breaking their kiss. She pulled Hendra's right hand to feel her face, encouraging him to look at her.

When Hendra slowly opened his eyes, Aruna was so happy. She was in tears. Too bad, Mahendra was silent and didn't even say a word to his wife.

"Sadness, disappointment, and even regret are only in the head. Did you forget that you told me so?" Aruna wanted him to say something. If not rebuking her, he could just scold her.