94. Brush Strokes

He suddenly remembered where he was after taking another look around the room. The television in front of him was still on since last night. On the table, there was a cup of lukewarm coffee, gradually losing its heat. Surprisingly, there was also a breakfast made for him. A plate of buttered toast, and another glass filled with warm chocolate. 

"Wait! What is this?" he wondered, pulling out a yellow sticky note placed under the glass.

'Anantha, just like last night, I didn't dare to wake you up this morning. I have to go to work, enjoy your breakfast.'

- see you later -

Anantha didn't take a sip of the hot chocolate. He palmed his forehead, "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" he cursed. 

Evidently he fell asleep at his girlfriend's apartment. The girlfriend that he had not even twenty four hours ago. Yet, he had slept in her apartment.

Why didn't he sleep with her too? Huh? Idiot! He shook his head to banish the thought.