102. Cynical Satire

A touch landed on Lesmana's shoulder, making him turn his head, realizing it was time for them to leave. Lesmana lowered his back, nodding lightly, saying goodbye to Wiryo.

Their car drifted away and then disappeared behind the gate, leaving the youngest alone in this magnificent house.

"Next time we visit father's house," Hendra realized his wife was getting restless.

"Get on my back and let's the two of us sleep together."

"You're wrong," Aruna reproached, moving closer to the blue-eyed man, laying her body on the back of a tall and sturdy man, in contrast to her, who was slowly losing weight.

"What is wrong?" A light conversation accompanied the steps towards their room.

"Not two, but three of us,"

"Ah," along the footsteps of a man with his wife on his back, his dimples adorned. He couldn't stop laughing as the woman on the back protested every word that came out of the blue-eyed man's mouth.

