122. No self-awareness

For some reason, bathing Aruna has been an activity he had been looking forward to lately, especially when he wanted to invite his wife to have a lovely evening. He intended to pamper his wife, as Gayatri suggested.

When his fingers caressed his favourite red lips, the woman's eyes blinked. Her hands were seen going down to hold the shirt above her stomach.

Hendra got up from the bed and shifted his body closer to Aruna's while ducking to make sure he was getting closer to his wife. Mahendra whispered, "Honey, are you hungry?"

Arun didn't answer. It took five minutes to find awareness in Aruna's body, the strength to sit up.

Without a word, she got off the bed and saw the things scattered because of anger to have been neatly arranged as if nothing had happened in this room.

"Do you want me to ask someone to bring you some food?"