128. A Night Chasing Rain

Hendra smiled happily hearing Vishnu's report.

"It should be underlined, I don't want to destroy them, especially the Salim family which is led by women. I want to get them as the official colleagues of Djoyo Makmur Group," said the blue-eyed man again.

_Releasing the influence of the Tarantula group which doesn't have much effect on the Salim family_ Mahendra thought to himself.

"Yes sir," replied Vishnu.

"Seduce her through my personal doctor, Tio," Hendra cast his eyes on Rolland, "Do you guys still help Tio?"

"Doctor Tio is no longer Tiara's behind-the-scenes lover. It seems that he is tired of the Salim family's terror," Rolland said.

"Ah, I feel bad for him," countered Mahendra. Before long the blue-eyed man thought of something.

"Bring Tio to me, I haven't seen him for a long time (after Hendra was declared cured)," Hendra was still staring at Rolland.